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14 year old cries/rants over her brand new $65,455 Lexus b-day present...

noname12345noname12345 Member Posts: 2,267

"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American



  • DraenorDraenor Member UncommonPosts: 7,918
    I saw the headline on my homepage but figured that I would probably throw up if I actually read the article...any teenager who gets a car as a gift needs to be the most thankful person in the world for the life that God has given them.

    Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.

  • XeximaXexima Member UncommonPosts: 2,698
    I'm happy with my $500 POS that my mom mustered up the money to buy for me (i'll be paying her back regardless).
  • EnigmaEnigma Member UncommonPosts: 11,384

    1.  I would slap the hell out of her for being an insensitive spoiled little brat

    2.  I would slap the hell out of the mother for no slapping her daughter years ago

    3.  I would have shoved the cake in her spoiled little (er fat) face

    People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.

  • DraenorDraenor Member UncommonPosts: 7,918
    Originally posted by Xexima

    I'm happy with my $500 POS that my mom mustered up the money to buy for me (i'll be paying her back regardless).
    Glad to see that I'm not the only one who pays their parents back for expensive gifts....I "got" an xbox 360 for my birthday...and when I say that, I mean I was allowed to pay for more than half of an xbox 360 for my birthday :)...I'm not complaining at all, I'm lucky that they were willing to shell out nearly 200 dollars...but relative to getting a flippin car...umm...yeah

    Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.

  • XeximaXexima Member UncommonPosts: 2,698
    Originally posted by Draenor

    Originally posted by Xexima

    I'm happy with my $500 POS that my mom mustered up the money to buy for me (i'll be paying her back regardless).
    Glad to see that I'm not the only one who pays their parents back for expensive gifts....I "got" an xbox 360 for my birthday...and when I say that, I mean I was allowed to pay for more than half of an xbox 360 for my birthday :)...I'm not complaining at all, I'm lucky that they were willing to shell out nearly 200 dollars...but relative to getting a flippin car...umm...yeah

    Hell man, same.. I paid $300 for my xbox, it was my christmas present.  I hate when people give me things, i'd rather pay for it myself.

    and by the way, that car is gorgeous.
  • hatchethandshatchethands Member Posts: 187

    She is 15 yrs old, she has another yr till she could drive. Her mother is pretty fkn stupid to buy a 15yr old high matienance little bitch that $65,000 car. I wonder what she would bitch and moan about when she turns 16... Another $65,000 new car? Hell no.

  • DraenorDraenor Member UncommonPosts: 7,918
    alright I've watched enough of it wasn't that she didn't want the car, it was that she didn't want it on THAT particular day...probably because she wanted to show all of her friends at her massive party.  Wow dude...and now the whole school is going to know that you are not only a cry baby, you're a huge show off who only cares about material wealth..congrats!

    Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.

  • noname12345noname12345 Member Posts: 2,267
    Originally posted by Draenor

    I saw the headline on my homepage but figured that I would probably throw up if I actually read the article...any teenager who gets a car as a gift needs to be the most thankful person in the world for the life that God has given them.
    My link goes to the actual video of the whole thing. It's F***ing insane, but for some reason I was laughing.... 

    edit: I see you watched it.

    "When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
    -cheer leading, flag waving American

  • MolareanMolarean Member Posts: 23
    Any parent who raises a child like that deserves every bit of abuse the kid gives them, she didn't spoil herself.
  • noname12345noname12345 Member Posts: 2,267
    Originally posted by Draenor

    alright I've watched enough of it wasn't that she didn't want the car, it was that she didn't want it on THAT particular day...probably because she wanted to show all of her friends at her massive party.  Wow dude...and now the whole school is going to know that you are not only a cry baby, you're a huge show off who only cares about material wealth..congrats!
    I would have taken that car while on my death bed...AND I WOULD HAVE BEEN GRATEFUL!

    "When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
    -cheer leading, flag waving American

  • Agricola1Agricola1 Member UncommonPosts: 4,977
    Maybe now Americans understand why countrys such as Iran exist?

    "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience"

    CS Lewis

  • ColdmeatColdmeat Member UncommonPosts: 3,410


    I had to work, and save up all the money for my first car, as well as plates and insurance. I can't even begin to fathom how a child would develop that much of a sense of entitlement.

    Ah, well, camwhores don't grow on trees, I guess.

  • GoddiQGoddiQ Member Posts: 99
    Lmao, i would be forever happy to my parents until i went into the grave for that one.

    Spoiled kid...
  • RazorbackRazorback Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 5,253

    I sound more like someones grandfather everytime I start talking on this topic.... but screw it...

    Teenagers today have absolutely no idea of decency, morals, values and work ethic. (generally speaking)

    They are handed so much stuff on a platter that this example is very nearly the norm rather than the exception.

    I was teaching in a high school a few years back and I took 6 months of to tour SE Asia, when I came back I started by saying to my class "I have to warn you, the kinds of petulant outbursts I tolerated about not having the right colour Ipod cover before, will no longer be tolerated". At that same time I ceased all efforts to chase wealth in life. After seeing how 2/3 of the world population struggles and does it with a smile on their face it changed me forever.

    I coined a saying for myself about 12 months ago that I get to use more and more these days. "There are few things more annoying and pathetic on this planet than teenage girls". As a 41 year old guy.... I wouldnt have anything to do with them. Give me a 30+ year old woman with an idea of who she is anyday, in preference to some bimbo with an intelect formed from watching commercial TV and reading magazines about Paris and Brittany.....

    I just hope they show her that vid after shes about 25+ and her brain has hopefully activated (although Im not sure it will have). That will be punishment enough.

    I despair for the next generation I really do....

    "MMOs, for people that like think chatting is like a skill or something, rotflol"
    "Far away across the field, the tolling of the iron bell, calls the faithful to their knees. To hear the softly spoken magic spell" Pink Floyd-Dark Side of the Moon

  • 9dragonsfan9dragonsfan Member CommonPosts: 16
    wow..... too rich >.<
  • BaronJuJuBaronJuJu Member UncommonPosts: 1,832
    Originally posted by Razorback

    I sound more like someones grandfather everytime I start talking on this topic.... but screw it...
    Teenagers today have absolutely no idea of decency, morals, values and work ethic. (generally speaking)
    They are handed so much stuff on a platter that this example is very nearly the norm rather than the exception.
    I was teaching in a high school a few years back and I took 6 months of to tour SE Asia, when I came back I started by saying to my class "I have to warn you, the kinds of petulant outbursts I tolerated about not having the right colour Ipod cover before, will no longer be tolerated". At that same time I ceased all efforts to chase wealth in life. After seeing how 2/3 of the world population struggles and does it with a smile on their face it changed me forever.
    I coined a saying for myself about 12 months ago that I get to use more and more these days. "There are few things more annoying and pathetic on this planet than teenage girls". As a 41 year old guy.... I wouldnt have anything to do with them. Give me a 30+ year old woman with an idea of who she is anyday, in preference to some bimbo with an intelect formed from watching commercial TV and reading magazines about Paris and Brittany.....
    I just hope they show her that vid after shes about 25+ and her brain has hopefully activated (although Im not sure it will have). That will be punishment enough.
    I despair for the next generation I really do....
    Very well said and, unfortunately, so very, very true.  Kids today are in for a rude awakening when they step foot in the real world.

    "If we don't attack them, they will attack us first. So we'd better retaliate before they have a chance to strike"

  • JADEDRAG0NJADEDRAG0N Member Posts: 733
    Originally posted by 9dragonsfan

    wow..... too rich >.<
    And that is the root of the problem
  • JADEDRAG0NJADEDRAG0N Member Posts: 733
    Originally posted by AlexAmore

    Originally posted by Draenor

    alright I've watched enough of it wasn't that she didn't want the car, it was that she didn't want it on THAT particular day...probably because she wanted to show all of her friends at her massive party.  Wow dude...and now the whole school is going to know that you are not only a cry baby, you're a huge show off who only cares about material wealth..congrats!
    I would have taken that car while on my death bed...AND I WOULD HAVE BEEN GRATEFUL!

    Considering the generall quality of american cars im not sure that it would last that long. I prefer nice reliable European cars.
  • GodliestGodliest Member Posts: 3,486

    Originally posted by Razorback
    I sound more like someones grandfather every time I start talking on this topic.... but screw it...
    Teenagers today have absolutely no idea of decency, morals, values and work ethic. (generally speaking)
    They are handed so much stuff on a platter that this example is very nearly the norm rather than the exception.
    I was teaching in a high school a few years back and I took 6 months of to tour SE Asia, when I came back I started by saying to my class "I have to warn you, the kinds of petulant outbursts I tolerated about not having the right colour Ipod cover before, will no longer be tolerated". At that same time I ceased all efforts to chase wealth in life. After seeing how 2/3 of the world population struggles and does it with a smile on their face it changed me forever.
    I coined a saying for myself about 12 months ago that I get to use more and more these days. "There are few things more annoying and pathetic on this planet than teenage girls". As a 41 year old guy.... I wouldn't have anything to do with them. Give me a 30+ year old woman with an idea of who she is any day, in preference to some bimbo with an intellect formed from watching commercial TV and reading magazines about Paris and Brittany.....
    I just hope they show her that vid after shes about 25+ and her brain has hopefully activated (although I'm not sure it will have). That will be punishment enough.
    I despair for the next generation I really do....

    You do actually sound like someones grandfather, couldn't believe it at first, but... I don't really despair for the next generation, they can think themselves. I don't think the society affects teenagers as much as some think, they can think outside the things the society teach them. They understand that it's not always as TV shows show.

    I just think the teenagers you usually see are in their worst phase, they will get better and grow up to become fully functional members of the society. Teenagers are just acting like idiots because they know the society expects them to act like that; But they also know that when they grow up they must become more mature and can't act like an idiot all the time.



  • ColdmeatColdmeat Member UncommonPosts: 3,410

    Originally posted by Godliest
    Originally posted by Razorback
    I sound more like someones grandfather every time I start talking on this topic.... but screw it...
    Teenagers today have absolutely no idea of decency, morals, values and work ethic. (generally speaking)
    They are handed so much stuff on a platter that this example is very nearly the norm rather than the exception.
    I was teaching in a high school a few years back and I took 6 months of to tour SE Asia, when I came back I started by saying to my class "I have to warn you, the kinds of petulant outbursts I tolerated about not having the right colour Ipod cover before, will no longer be tolerated". At that same time I ceased all efforts to chase wealth in life. After seeing how 2/3 of the world population struggles and does it with a smile on their face it changed me forever.
    I coined a saying for myself about 12 months ago that I get to use more and more these days. "There are few things more annoying and pathetic on this planet than teenage girls". As a 41 year old guy.... I wouldn't have anything to do with them. Give me a 30+ year old woman with an idea of who she is any day, in preference to some bimbo with an intellect formed from watching commercial TV and reading magazines about Paris and Brittany.....
    I just hope they show her that vid after shes about 25+ and her brain has hopefully activated (although I'm not sure it will have). That will be punishment enough.
    I despair for the next generation I really do....

    You do actually sound like someones grandfather, couldn't believe it at first, but... I don't really despair for the next generation, they can think themselves. I don't think the society affects teenagers as much as some think, they can think outside the things the society teach them. They understand that it's not always as TV shows show.

    I just think the teenagers you usually see are in their worst phase, they will get better and grow up to become fully functional members of the society. Teenagers are just acting like idiots because they know the society expects them to act like that; But they also know that when they grow up they must become more mature and can't act like an idiot all the time.

    I find your optimism quaint, and endearing.

    However, I do not share your sentiment. I've encountered plenty of teenagers, whether in places such as this, or out in the real world.

    And I'd have to say they are every bit as shallow, vapid, and self-absorbed as they appear.

    And their grasp of the written language is appalling.

  • MadAceMadAce Member Posts: 2,461
    Originally posted by Razorback

    I sound more like someones grandfather everytime I start talking on this topic.... but screw it...
    Teenagers today have absolutely no idea of decency, morals, values and work ethic. (generally speaking)
    They are handed so much stuff on a platter that this example is very nearly the norm rather than the exception.
    I was teaching in a high school a few years back and I took 6 months of to tour SE Asia, when I came back I started by saying to my class "I have to warn you, the kinds of petulant outbursts I tolerated about not having the right colour Ipod cover before, will no longer be tolerated". At that same time I ceased all efforts to chase wealth in life. After seeing how 2/3 of the world population struggles and does it with a smile on their face it changed me forever.
    I coined a saying for myself about 12 months ago that I get to use more and more these days. "There are few things more annoying and pathetic on this planet than teenage girls". As a 41 year old guy.... I wouldnt have anything to do with them. Give me a 30+ year old woman with an idea of who she is anyday, in preference to some bimbo with an intelect formed from watching commercial TV and reading magazines about Paris and Brittany.....
    I just hope they show her that vid after shes about 25+ and her brain has hopefully activated (although Im not sure it will have). That will be punishment enough.
    I despair for the next generation I really do....
    Post of the month/year/whatever.

    The generation that we now know to be teenagers and the generation that's in their twenties right now is mostly a waste of space. I fear for the day when they'll have to take responsability. And I fear even more for the day when things got to hell one way or another and how they'll react.

    Hell, I'm already pretty scared simply because a girl like that might actually vote on day...

    For she has no notion of the world.

    And the kids of her kind that DO "interest" themselves in the world behave like this:


    Not saying I'm any different. But at least I try to be.
  • ste2000ste2000 Member EpicPosts: 6,194
    Don't blame teenagers, blame the moms and dads that behave in such an appaling way.

    Teenagers behave the way parents let them, but don't forget they are kids, parents are supposed to be adults...............

    By the way the mother on this video is very shallow and stupid, why buy a 70K car to her daughter 1 year before she can actually drive it?

    I mean what on earth lurk inside that woman head? Piles of shit??

  • MadAceMadAce Member Posts: 2,461
    Originally posted by ste2000

    Don't blame teenagers, blame the moms and dads that behave in such an appaling way.

    Teenagers behave the way parents let them, but don't forget they are kids, parents are supposed to be adults...............

    By the way the mother on this video is very shallow and stupid, why buy a 70K car to her daughter 1 year before she can actually drive it?

    I mean what on earth lurk inside that woman head? Piles of shit??
    That's actually very true. Who has the responsability to raise kids. Their parents do. Raise them. Not give them friggin cars they haven't done shit for.
  • SamuraiswordSamuraisword Member Posts: 2,111
    Her role model is Paris Hilton.


  • WisebutCruelWisebutCruel Member Posts: 1,089
    Originally posted by JADEDRAG0N

    Originally posted by AlexAmore

    Originally posted by Draenor

    alright I've watched enough of it wasn't that she didn't want the car, it was that she didn't want it on THAT particular day...probably because she wanted to show all of her friends at her massive party.  Wow dude...and now the whole school is going to know that you are not only a cry baby, you're a huge show off who only cares about material wealth..congrats!
    I would have taken that car while on my death bed...AND I WOULD HAVE BEEN GRATEFUL!

    Considering the generall quality of american cars im not sure that it would last that long. I prefer nice reliable European cars.

    You do know Lexus is Toyota, right?

    And her mother should have her parenting rights taken away, as she obviously failed at raising that one.

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