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As most astute readers are by now aware, in the second Republican Presidential debate in South Carolina - hosted by Fox News - a certain Congressman Ron Paul of Texas made quite the splash by suggesting that US foreign policy ought to be one of non-interventionism.
Hannity: “Are you saying then that the world has no moral obligation in the first Gulf War, when an innocent country is being pillaged and people are being raped and murdered and slaughtered, or in the case of Saddam, he’s gassing his own people, are you suggesting we have no moral obligation? … You stand by and let that immorality happen?You support that? … You would stand by and do that, I would not.I think that’s immoral.”Oh really? What most astute readers may or may not be aware of are Hannity’s previous statements regarding just such circumstances in the past. I’ll let Hannity speak for himself regarding Kosovo:
"Why should one U.S. airman give up his life when our national security is not in imminent danger?"
March 24, 1999"Congressman Moran, a couple of things that are in my mind. Number one is the president has really failed to lay out before the American people the reasons why we need to be involved militarily. That's number one.
And then we go back to Henry Kissinger's test, which is number one, is there a vital U.S. national interest? And do we have a plan to disengage? What's the exit strategy? I don't see that we've met that test either. And why does it have to happen this second, this hour? Why don't we have a national debate first?"
March 24, 1999"But you know what? There's a lot of massacres going on in the world. As you know, 37,000 Kurds in Turkey, over a million people in Sudan. We have hundreds of thousands in Rwanda and Burundi. I mean, where do we stop?"
March 24, 1999"Slobodan Milosevic is a bad guy. He's an evil man. Horrible things are happening. I agree with that. Is Bill O'Reilly then saying we go to Rwanda, Burundi, Somalia, Sudan? Where does this stop? And when you look at sheer numbers, 2,000 -- and I'm not minimizing death. It's horrible. What this man is doing with ethnic cleansing is abhorrent, but sheer numbers -- 2,000 killed in the last year versus hundreds of thousands, millions in some cases in other parts of the world. Are you saying the United States should go to all those places?"
on "The O'Reilly Factor," April 5, 1999
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
Hannity is not hypocritical, he is a true right wing Republican patriot able to recognize the fight for rights and freedoms anywhere in the world that has oil. It's just that Kosovo didn't have oil, neither does Darfur, Somalia, Haiti, New Orleans, and a host of other worldwide hotspots in which robbery, murder, rape, looting, and general anarchy exist every day. And why should America bring peace and democracy to these areas like we have to Iraq? Shouldn't US foreign policy be guided by the principle that we will do best for the people of the world that can do best for us?
All I can say about this whining about Hannity is that you, sir, are not a true American. You must be a supporter of Global Terrorism, a weak kneed Democrat not capable of seeing the long range implications of President Bush's foreign policy. You sir, are no friend of Fox News, and you had better watch yourself, we have laws against people like you, and if we don't have one specifically to address your current disaffection with Fox News, we can soon make one up.
If you do not repent and change your evil ways, well, let's just say we have a place for you on a military base on a narrow, elongated Carribean Island nation that you currently cannot travel to unless you receive the opportunity from Homeland Security. I think you know very well exactly where I mean.
Why do you hate America?
God bless George Dubya Bush and America, for they truely are one and the same!
Hannity has got to be the biggest douchebag I've ever encountered. Nitwits like Anne Coulter say things far worse that Hannity, but they are just saying them for shock value, and media attention. He actually believes his own bullshit, I think.
I'd like the opportunity to debate him on FAUX sometime. If only so I could headbutt him six or seven times on national tv, and then say, "End of fucking argument." before I walk off. Yeah, he'd press charges like a little bitch, but it'd totally be worth it.
That or have John Stewart bring him on his show, or vice versa, so he can call him a dick like he did to Tucker Carlson.
I'm just wondering if he realizes how dumb he makes himself look by being totally off base like he is on so many things.
Ooooooh, did you hear him during the Dubai Ports deal? That was hilarious!!! He couldn't make up his mind. He knew that turning over our security to and Arab nation was bad, but he kept trying hard to kiss Bush's ass at the same time. I used to tune in back then just to hear him squirm on the air. He kept telling all the callers, "But you've got to remember, Bush has had a greater plan that many of us haven't understood so far, and I'm sure he does now. This sounds bad, but I'm sure they have information we just haven't heard yet." I almost died laughing through that whole thing.

Hannity is not a hypocrite.
I respect that man more than any republican or democrate.
That man work's his ass off to raise money for the children of falling soldiers so that they can have a college education. You see, the libs try SO hard...oh SO VERY hard to get dirt on Hannity. Say what you must, but Hannity has more integrity in his left finger than then entire US Congress and I have my upmost respect in the man.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
I used to buy into that conservative a.m. radio hype a while back. But the whole time I had this weird feeling about the whole thing, but it seemed to be okay, because they were talking about smaller government and lower taxes and how horrible Clinton was. But then the veil started to part whenever Bush got into office. Suddenly I realized that Bush was just as bad as Clinton if not worse. And all the while the a.m. radio guys were still talking about how great he was. But for what?
Now they are still promoting Bush and all the while he is trying to push f'd up things like that immigration bill. But do the a.m. radio guys finally see who he is? Nope. They look the other way. The same way they do when he promotes that huge Medicaid crap, and the ill treatment of our troops when they come home, and the biggest increases in spending in history, and the invasion of privacy and spying that Bush is so keen on, and selling our port security to overseas nations. Need I go on? At what point do conservatives like Shaun Hannity admit that they are a hack?
Integrity? Yeah, if Clinton were doing the things Bush has been doing they would be all over him. That's not showing much integrity.

There is a local guy on the radio here in Dallas that I like a lot. His name is Mark Davis. He just started going nationwide. I don't know if he's on the radio where you live, Enigma. But if so you should check him out. He's not afraid to admit he made a mistake about someone and definitely does not tow a party line at all.
Here's a link to some of his editorials. He writes for the local newspaper here in Dallas too.
Pffft Oprah can and has raised way more money than Sean could dream of. Not only that but she doesn't even have to raise money...she just pays out of her pocket too. She even travels to Africa on a regular basis...and stuff like that. Oprah is a liberal, and has done more for charities, so does this mean that she is more correct than Sean when it comes to politics? No. Really charity has nothing to do with my original post or if Sean is a hypocrit. I'm sure a lot of hypocrits donate to charity and/or work in one. The charity argument is a wash and is a fallacious argument.
It's not hard to find dirt on Sean. I obviously have found it. You can't even respond to my argument. I think it's you who has to try so hard to respond to my dirt.
Hannity doesn't seem to have much integrity....he's a flip flopper and you haven't proven otherwise.
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
Pffft Oprah can and has raised way more money than Sean could dream of. Not only that but she doesn't even have to raise money...she just pays out of her pocket too. She even travels to Africa on a regular basis...and stuff like that. Oprah is a liberal, and has done more for charities, so does this mean that she is more correct than Sean when it comes to politics? No. Really charity has nothing to do with my original post or if Sean is a hypocrit. I'm sure a lot of hypocrits donate to charity and/or work in one. The charity argument is a wash and is a fallacious argument.
It's not hard to find dirt on Sean. I obviously have found it. You can't even respond to my argument. I think it's you who has to try so hard to respond to my dirt.
Hannity doesn't seem to have much integrity....he's a flip flopper and you haven't proven otherwise.
question...where is the dirt on sean again?
If only there was a way to stop the cycle.
The most important part of reading is reading between the lines.
You, sir, are not a true American patriot, but rather one of those pansy liberal Democrat supporters of Global Terrorism in disguise. A true follower of the faith would never argue, "My whore has more integrity than your whores", but would stick to Carl Rove's authorized talking points. Thus, your thinking betrays your true nature. A true neo-con would have responded in the appropriate manner, admit nothing, deny everything, and make counter acquisations.
Hannity is like one of Jesus 12 Apostles, spreading HIS word to the unenlightened sinners. True believers do not argue his integrity, they just believe.....after all, his support of the troops is all that they need to know.
Why, sir, do you hate America?
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
Pffft Oprah can and has raised way more money than Sean could dream of. Not only that but she doesn't even have to raise money...she just pays out of her pocket too. She even travels to Africa on a regular basis...and stuff like that. Oprah is a liberal, and has done more for charities, so does this mean that she is more correct than Sean when it comes to politics? No. Really charity has nothing to do with my original post or if Sean is a hypocrit. I'm sure a lot of hypocrits donate to charity and/or work in one. The charity argument is a wash and is a fallacious argument.
It's not hard to find dirt on Sean. I obviously have found it. You can't even respond to my argument. I think it's you who has to try so hard to respond to my dirt.
Hannity doesn't seem to have much integrity....he's a flip flopper and you haven't proven otherwise.
question...where is the dirt on sean again? I gave a nice little list of things on my post up above yours. Check it out.

Hannity is nothing more than a Fox News anchor.
Annoying? Yes.
Hypocritical at times? Of course, we all are.
Hard-core Republican? You betcha.
However, he is nobody to even pay attention to unless you are also a hardcore republican. He has no real power. The only power he has is over other hardcore republicans, ones that are unable to think for themselves and in turn end up going to him for their opinions and their news. I know several republicans (good friends of mine) who don't like him and certainly would not be caught dead watching his joke of a news show.
As for his charitable work. Its the first time I have heard of it. If its true then good for him, but its nothing to give him a standing ovation for. There are hundreds of thousands of people who do charitable work every day, a lot who, no doubt, work a hellofalot harder than Hannity ever will. So if anybody respects Hannity that much for for the simple fact he does a lot of charity work then let me introduce you to a million other people cause you have a lot of respecting to do.
Eternally mine,
The MMO gaming blog I write for.