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Are you a racist piece of ****?

noname12345noname12345 Member Posts: 2,267

Find out with this test!

edit: Dang the pic eventually became a red X.

Anyways according to the test I prefer Europeans over African Americans.

"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American


  • Agricola1Agricola1 Member UncommonPosts: 4,977
    I got a slight automatic preference towards black people. Although considering my son is part Asian it isn't really a suprise.

    "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience"

    CS Lewis

  • EggFteggEggFtegg Member Posts: 1,141
    I had a slight automatic preference to white over black, and a moderate preference to younger.

  • baffbaff Member Posts: 9,457
    I'm addicted to Japs.
  • neschrianeschria Member UncommonPosts: 1,406

    My result: "Your data suggest little to no automatic preference between European American and African American. "

    So, I guess my answer is, "No. I am not at racist piece of ****." I may go check out some of the other ones now. I am pretty sure I have a bias against old people and fat people. Even though I are both.

    This is where I draw the line: __________________.

  • IbextoIbexto Member Posts: 277
    An interesting site, I tried a few of the other tests that they had there and you pick up on some interesting things about yourself.

  • UrdigUrdig Member Posts: 1,260

    I'm not sure how a test like that determines your preference between peoples, because motor skill isn't driven by like or dislike.  The survey at the end didn't have anything to do with race either.

     Edit:  I stopped doing when I read the survey questions after the picture and word placement.

    Wish Darkfall would release.

  • I have a strong automatic preference for Europeans...birds of a feather.

    I respect and deeply admire Kofi Annan and I fully supported him in his role as UN Secretary General.

    I hate and despise the "Rev." Al Sharpton and I wish death upon him every time I see him on TV!

    If that makes me a racist then so be it!
  • GodliestGodliest Member Posts: 3,486

    "Individuals under the age of 18 must have parent/guardian permission to participate in studies at Project Implicit." GAAAAAH! Stop harassing my age! This site is a big racist piece of ****! What's the fu*king problem with my age!!!!! Die motherf**king site!

    Oh well. After faking that my parents agreed to me doing the test I started doing it. After 5 minutes I was bored, after 10 extremely bored. Terrible test, especially that one regarding excercise and liberals and democrats.



  • n25phillyn25philly Member Posts: 1,317
    No, I'm an equal opportunity piece of **** (see, an honest one too!)

    member of

  • sctt888sctt888 Member Posts: 128
    It says i dispise white people for everything and anything they stand for.
  • XeximaXexima Member UncommonPosts: 2,698
    Apparently I'm a racist piece of shit...

    strongly prefer Europeans over Africans...

    I've never felt that I had a problem with blacks, and I still don't feel that I do.
  • sctt888sctt888 Member Posts: 128
    Originally posted by Xexima

    Apparently I'm a racist piece of shit...

    strongly prefer Europeans over Africans...

    I've never felt that I had a problem with blacks, and I still don't feel that I do.
    You prolly just have a problem with their skin color.
  • defenestratedefenestrate Member CommonPosts: 578
    Wtf?!? Says I prefer Blood Elves over Night Elves where the hell that come from!!!

    Joking just in case a few of you thought too hard on that one.
  • seabass2003seabass2003 Member Posts: 4,144
    This test is wrong in so many  ways.

    In America I have bad teeth. If I lived in England my teeth would be perfect.

  • noname12345noname12345 Member Posts: 2,267
    This test and the creator was on has to be right.

    "When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
    -cheer leading, flag waving American

  • UrdigUrdig Member Posts: 1,260
    Originally posted by AlexAmore

    This test and the creator was on has to be right.

    Then I take back what I said earlier.

    Hand eye coordination has everything to do with my perference toward peoples of a dif. race.

    I went the entire lengh through the one for race and it said I had a strong prefrence for white over black.  I guess all these years having a thing for black girls was imagined.  I never knew I was a racist piece of ****. 

    Silly me.

    Wish Darkfall would release.

  • //\//\oo//\//\oo Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 2,767

    I am, evidently, one of 'em self-hating whites.


    This is a sequence of characters intended to produce some profound mental effect, but it has failed.

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