I came away really impressed after reading this, especially with the way character development is being set up, and the ethical quests and moral decision making sounds really neat. I guess before this I hadn't really been interested in it, as I felt it might be an all combat game, this makes it clear that it's a MMORPG at heart and not just a shooter, I'm much more interested now.
A Little Dab'll Do Ya!
That is also my primary concern. Combat is all good and fine, but I'm not always in the mood for it, and MMORPGs need other things to do besides walking outside and blowing stuff up. I can do that on BF2142...
I believe CuppaJo did say crafting will be in-game, though if I recall the details weren't fully worked out so she couldn't give details on what would be craftable and so forth.
Social aspects are another thing I hope DG realizes is important these days. Look at all the holiday festivals in GW and WoW (and other games I don't play), and other special events, not to mention possibly having continued (monthly or so?) storyline events, that would be great, especially if the gameworld was altered for each story campaign like SWG did back in the day. I'm hoping Garriott is on top of stuff like that, given his penchant for intricate stories and roleplaying to begin with.
I have heard a few things about the crafting system, but not enough to really make any conclusions either way or how it works for that matter.
I think part of the social aspect of an MMO can't be built by developers, it has to be added by players. I'm sure the developers have found a way to facilitate those players who want a social experience, but I'm not too concerned as I think it will work itself out.
A very nice hands-on article and the videos were great.
My guess is that crafting will be dependable on combat. Anyhow I guess the social part would be finding groups then if not anything else?
And I didn't know TR was coming out this fall? thought it was near christmas if not next year.
SWG, Eve, Planetside 2, EQN, Star Citizen
Sorcery must persist, the future is the Citadel