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why, some dislikes, without bashing...........

zoey121zoey121 Member Posts: 926

been playing since early beta only recently left game

I've seen very few speficis here on why folks bash/hate the game so here are a few of my reasons

Pay for training; i did all that grinding why do i have to pay for training as well?

apprentice points needing to master, so i pick a not so popular proffession i still have to pay for each box and then find 620 points in order to "teach another person" in order to train for masters hard to find people to train if many are afk macroing

buffing paying for doc buffs in order to hunt 6-10 k and + depending on area and server

afkers macroers so many of the proffesions can be macroed one does not have to be at the key board in order to play this game , why in the heck would someone pay 14.99 a month to macro a profession and not be at there keyboard?

player economy driven by greed only

guilds falling in numbers

solo hunting /lack of definable groups

no usable equipable loot

killing same critters with lair no "prize " expcet maybe exp points

empty player cities

wait times at starport shuttles (at least in planet shuttle times fixed)

lag in cnet

finding vendors with items on it

(things are made by other players having to replace items with decay can be an adventure all in itself)

the endless either delivery/destory missions

the time sinks, money sinks , the feeling as if doing a "job" instead of playing the game

in end my friends list was empty my guild disbanded worked on meeting new folks, tried other servers to see if folks were actualy grouping or present at their key board

and finding this game to have a harsh starting point with getting equpiment from

vehicles to weapons very harsh for new players

this game made me long for simple equipable loot, a game where folks were present at there keyboard, and liked to group and chatting with live folks ...........................

as i think about the possible numbers currently im also wondering how many are "bot accounts"

with one character slot per server im willing to bet the die hards pay an additional 14.99 for there entertainer/doc bots

and the one character slot per server to me has nothing to do with data base issues and everything to do with a money sink issue except in stead of in game money RL funds to line their pockets, not what is in the gamers interest

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