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Beta Ettiquette

defenestratedefenestrate Member CommonPosts: 578
Ok, so I just got through playing in a beta and i would like to list some simple things about beta's and how to have good ettiquette while playing one.

1. Obviously dont break the NDA. I have seen people go on other forums besides these and talk about how they were in XXX Beta and this or that was great or sucked about it. Obviously this is not the way to go, just be patient and wait till open beta comes out to list your gripes and compliments.

2. Its beta, please be aware that their will be bugs and errors, lag and the such. Crying in general chat or on the beta forums about how the servers are laggin or crashing will get you no where.

3. Report bugs. I cant stress this enough, people want to try and join beta's for a free ride and forget what the real reason your there is. Of course playing the game before it comes out is all good fun, but if you would report the bugs that you come across this would really help the game during release. Whether its a huge bug like an big hole through the world, or just a minor one such as an extra invisible step all bugs submitted will most likely be looked over and hopefully fixed by launch.

4. Beta Forum Feedback. Most games in beta have a private forum for beta users, use this forum to give feedback about the game. How it can be improved, class balancing, npc monster difficulties all that stuff is great to read about. Dont use the forums to cry about how you dont want your character wiped when release time comes.

5. Finally, have fun! Beta Testing games is a great opportunity to have a hand in how well a game is released. Get in groups, go do quests, if there are any mini or sub games try them out, mess with mounts if possible. By trying out all of the feautures of a game it allows you to form a intelligent opinion, not just whine about some function that you heard from someones cousin's brothers, uncle said they he said didnt work in the game.

All just my opinion of course!


  • RimokuRimoku Member UncommonPosts: 90


    Originally posted by defenestrate

    3. Report bugs. I cant stress this enough, people want to try and join beta's for a free ride and forget what the real reason your there is. Of course playing the game before it comes out is all good fun, but if you would report the bugs that you come across this would really help the game during release. Whether its a huge bug like an big hole through the world, or just a minor one such as an extra invisible step all bugs submitted will most likely be looked over and hopefully fixed by launch.



    Beta test is to find bugs, and correct balancing issues, not exploit them or keep them a secret for abusing on release.

    If Beta testers actually REPORTED bugs, maybe MMORPG's would have better releases.

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