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We all know what is wrong with most of the mmorpgs we play, and most of us play something for a couple of months then move on because it just doesn't have the aspect we like best. So what would the perfect mmorpg contain. Has anyone ever polled the players on what a good mmorpg should have? I doubt it.
Lets try.
You might say, 'well several things are important' but lets see what the top five are?
This question is far too deep and complex to be answered with one poll choice.
What I want with a MMORPG is fun, content, all 20+ year-old players only, PvP that is evenly balanced, meaningfull and has a nice balance between user skill and character skill (level)
PvP quests would be sweet.
Neocron tried this and it didn't work well. By PvP quests I assume you mean you have to kill a player to finish it, yes?
Well, this is what neocron tried and here are the two problems
1) How does it pick a player to be your target? What if that players never logs on anymore
2) A player can just log off when he sees you and wait until you get bored and then log on and you'll never be able to do the quest
Very difficult choice just to choose one, personally I want it all .. lol Lag is important factor, Exploit and hack free enviorment with quick response from customer service and developers is a must.
Well balanced PvP without the grief factor. A good communication system for guilds/nations, voice chat perhaps. Good graphics helps. Transportation (mounts, airships etc..) to cut down on long runs.
My 2 cents
I wonder if there should be a Role Playing part on the poll.
That would be my other.....
I agree, for me roleplaying is no.1 but i've never found a game yet, except maybe UO, that satisfied my roleplaying tastes. In the poll, character creation is leading and i guess most people consider creating a character as a part of roleplaying. Second is quests/missions, which would be my choice too, there are so many games released unfinished with everything in place except content e.g. SWG, Horizons, Eve.. i've been disappointed by them all.
I agree the poll is narrow, but since we can only vote for one, what is the first thing you'd look for?
On Monday CoH will arrive from the states, and then we'll see... I've heard there's a decent RP server on CoH called Virtue, let's hope so.
Sorry to say Virtue is not RolePlaying I spent 10 days on there. Reason I went to Virtue Was to RolePlay. The only Role playing there was done in the forms. COH is Mainly 10 year olds running around stealling kills. This I belive is the reason that any, or very few Rpers are only in the forms telling storys. They cant do it in the Real game. There isnt any room for it.
COH Is NOT For any RolePlayers of any kind. This Is an Arcade Game for little kids.
Dont Waste your Money.
What I want from a MMORPG:
I want the "A" key to be the god key; in which when pressed makes all of the NPCs start bowing to me, and gives me things for free. Gameplay, Crafting, Leveling, The Battles System - yeah I guess they matter too. *shrugs* I do want my "A" key though.
I picked "Other" and my other is:
To actually use some strategy in the game. Hopefully Guild Wars lives up to what they said it will be like
New PR rep for the North American Version of RYL
Games such as horizons, lineage 2, swg, coh have never come close to matching games approaching 4 or 5 years of age such as daoc and eq.
Coh.....playing a scrapper i thought i had entered a time warp and playing double dragon on a console when i found i couldn't hit anything if it was moving and i had to be stationary.
Lineage 2 ....looks amazing but thats about all it does have.
Swg....took the approach that it doesn't even require you to be at the keyboard to progress, at least you will see the sun during the summer playing this.
So why is non of the new games match older games such as eq and daoc? Developers should have been able to see what worked and didn't work in the older games and implemented the good parts and left out the bad in the new mmorpg' why isn't this the case?
Maybe i'm just bored of the mmorpg scene now or maybe fancy seeing a bit of the sun during our short english summer instead of a ten hour stint on daoc....
Answers on a postcard plz
I think the most important thing in a MMORPG is roleplaying and character creation/ development. I want to fine tune everything on my character from the start, so that he looks like no-one else. CoH is a good example of this.
Then i want to give him starting stats whereby i know how good my character is at EVERYTHING. I want to know his sense of smell, his sword skill, his fears, his loves, his height/weight, crafting skill etc etc.
I dont just wants my character to start the same as everone else and only be different because i chose to put my point at lvl1 into sword whereby you put yours into axe.
This is what i think makes for a good game, the feel that you are truly bringing your character to life. The need to develop your character into an individual, and not the need to kill another 17 rats in order to reach level 5 etc.
4 stars sucks
i want my 5 stars back!
Beta'd: Neocron, Planetside, ShadowBane, Horizons, City of Heros, Saga of Ryzom, Lineage II, WoW Stress Test
Played: EQ, Shadowbane, DAoC, SWG, Anarchy Online, Asherson's Call 2. Earth and Beyond, City of Heros, EQ
Playing: WAITING FOR WOW and EQ 2
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4 stars sucks
i want my 5 stars back!
Reasons for liking or disliking an MMORPG are as varied as the gamers who play them.

I couldn't settle for picking only answer in your poll, so I didn't vote.
ChronicRick pointed out one of the best reasons, that was omitted from the poll.... F-U-N
Not the baby eating, though~ eww!
Peace, All ~ vixen
"I want you to tell me the tale that no one else will let you share; the story that whispers to you in your dreams...& haunts your every waking moment."~Vixen
"I want you to tell me the tale that no one else will let you share; the story that whispers to you in your dreams...& haunts your every waking moment."~Vixen
I'd like the games to become less static. I'd like to have a lasting impact on the game. Let us build monuments. Let us cut down trees. Let's get rid of the ever-spawning-never-moving-ever-lasting-camp. I'd like to be surprized by a game that I've played for two years... in a pleasant sort of way.
I'd also like some form of social justice. Current games are a step down from absolute anarchy. They're anarchy with rules so you can't do what you want to do. Give us courts, and let players man them. There needs to be tools to create a sense of society. Things like titles for those who are either noble, or wicked. Public boards in the game to replace whines her or on VN boards.
I'd like the game to be fun and meaningful at all levels of play... from 1 to what ever cap is set.
I'd like there to be numerous endgames... not just one.
Don't try to teach a pig to sing,
It rarely works and only serves to annoy the pig.
- Non-raiding, non-PvP, non-tradeskill high end, challenging, self reliant with the propers rewards system. Such a system make it so someone dont need to raid, PvP or tradeskill to death to reach the top and been the best in say system, grouping or soloing or a mixt or both work, I aint picky! All the others aspect are secondary to that single truth for me.
Secondary thing: As many differents high ends as possible, each with it logics and independants from the others. Always have more of anything to do in any field, so the player never reach the top, there is no top in anything, but many soft top clearly announced to get the *must reach level 50* feeling. If a race exist, it need to be accesible to the players as much as possible, you can discourage players from picking a race, like giving only 1 basic look and near impossible to level up or to wear gear at all, if a player find it funny to play a giant rat, give them the tools to play it and the warning and the info, someone might want to reach level 30 with a giant rat, and we should, by all mean, not prevent it, but make it a challenging and interesting gameplay where he cant talk with non-rats players at all and cant learn whatever language(maybe have a language menu where you cant talk, just click 1 of the premade sentence by the game, hey, we are talking about a rat, but a ranger can somewhat get an idea of what you want in the 20 listed options of talk you can do, and the ranger may have such a menu to answer you...yes,no,I am hungry, go away(bark bark), I am lonely, I like you and so on options LOL), yet, maybe a language skill to understand some actions or emote, pretty much limited. FUN
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren