Minuses (-):
Camera movement sucks
Really laggy game
Weather changes constantly
Quests sucks
Pvp sucks
Shitty graphics
Community (Hardly anyone speaks English)
Too easy to level up
And the list goes on.... and on.... and on..
Pluses (+):
None... Really...
I wonder how this game even got a 6.2 hype-level on here..
1/3 of your - points are are server specific, 1/3 is just your opinion and 1/3 is just wrong.
camera movement is just the other way round than in most other games. BUT in the upcoming international version you can switch this! so nothing wrong here!
laggy game? wrong! there is nearly no lag. in most other free mmorpgs there is more lag/delay!
weather? is not interesting and changing weather should be better than always the same!
quests suck? they are better than in most games! here the quests are NOT just find XX of this item and kill XX of this mob. no, here you must kill for example an orc lord in his fortress!
pvp sucks? pvp is a main aspect in this game and is rather well made! 2 different kingdoms how battle each other, castle seages and so on!
shitty graphics? your personal opinion, nothing objective! i think the grafic is ok, a bit old but i like the emphasise of battle animations and the "pimped" heros! and the pets are looking great!
community? ok there you are right on the malasian server, but on the upcoming internation version you are forced to speak english on public chat! so this wouldn´t be a problem there!
too easy to lvl up? lol this is a great pro + for me. no 1000+ hours grinding, fast lvl up this is one of the best things in here! and here is a connection to the pvp ascpect of the game, fast lvl up means the game is more concentrating on pvp! big pro for me!
pros? most of your cons are pros for me, nearly no lag, decent graphic, fast lvling, good pvp, cool pets (you can fight on the mounts!), rather good quests and so on...
http://www.wydglobal.com/ here is the int. version, they will launch in 2 weeks (15th)
fighting or just changing thoughts?

1/3 of your - points are are server specific, 1/3 is just your opinion and 1/3 is just wrong.camera movement is just the other way round than in most other games. BUT in the upcoming international version you can switch this! so nothing wrong here!
laggy game? wrong! there is nearly no lag. in most other free mmorpgs there is more lag/delay!
weather? is not interesting and changing weather should be better than always the same!
quests suck? they are better than in most games! here the quests are NOT just find XX of this item and kill XX of this mob. no, here you must kill for example an orc lord in his fortress!
pvp sucks? pvp is a main aspect in this game and is rather well made! 2 different kingdoms how battle each other, castle seages and so on!
shitty graphics? your personal opinion, nothing objective! i think the grafic is ok, a bit old but i like the emphasise of battle animations and the "pimped" heros! and the pets are looking great!
community? ok there you are right on the malasian server, but on the upcoming internation version you are forced to speak english on public chat! so this wouldn´t be a problem there!
too easy to lvl up? lol this is a great pro + for me. no 1000+ hours grinding, fast lvl up this is one of the best things in here! and here is a connection to the pvp ascpect of the game, fast lvl up means the game is more concentrating on pvp! big pro for me!
pros? most of your cons are pros for me, nearly no lag, decent graphic, fast lvling, good pvp, cool pets (you can fight on the mounts!), rather good quests and so on...
http://www.wydglobal.com/ here is the int. version, they will launch in 2 weeks (15th)
uh dude......
pvp does stink.....in other games like 9dragons and Rappelz they are much better
also the quest suck in this game as in other games they are much better and there are many laggs in this game but i found in other games as 9dragon and so on......no laggs at all
and i like games with grinding but lvling fast is boring cuz once u hit the main cap lvl u prolly start over or just quit the game....
and about fighting on the mounts u can clearly find that in other games like Martial Heroe Online and Rappelz and so on....
many games have pimped heroz also
I agree with the first guy....THIS GAME DOES STINK.....dont play it play 9dragons or Rappelz
SoF Main:Lvl 90 Snowster/Order Sword
9dragon Main:FC8 Munoo/Wu-tang Sword
Silkroad Main:Lvl 75 DAGZ/Sword
Rappelz Main:Lvl 50 Munoo/Kahuna/Jblvl 40
what ppl wan to say at sd game no problem...
if he already playing alredy high lv n nice weapon he know la...
LoL who hate this game...
no wan play dont play..dont say ppl dont play...
okey... 2 be honest i think this game does look a little cool:) that means better then rappels and 9 dragons (i am done with both quitted after reached full lvl because it was too boring and never intend on opening those games again)
but this do seems nice... mayby i will begin with it when i have reached max lvl at this game i am playing now:P (means won't be long)
im gonna try it now to see how it is....by now more than 4.5 don't diserve from movies and new's release
never cry ......just screem
tried it, didn't like it.
i suggest people pass on this one..
Put in my city and it said it was wrong, worked around that by putting another city. Then asked for a mobile brand and number, which I do not have and probably never will, oh well guess I will not play.
It must be true, I read it on the internet!
@Thread Starter
It seems many years has been passed since you started this thread....
Up to this moment SD still kicking....Now try it again and see for yourself how good is SD....
It's true this game is easy to level up your character but it's hard to become strong one even you reached the highest level you are not enough to defeat those players who have maximum complete sets.
PK was so hot even you are doing quest PK is allowed...Very challenging....
Guild War & Siege War even though I didn't tried this event but still one of the best war ever I've seen in "youtube".
I've been playing this game for more than a year and yet a lot of things I didn't try because I am weak at Level 176 Celestial God one hit I'm dead...
Hope to see you playing SD and defeat those TOP Ranking players that everyone's GOAL......
Respect & regards,