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Kill, collect, repeat

TinyBubblesTinyBubbles Member Posts: 4
Flyff intreges me. On the one hand, it's just another boring, f2p, combat based, toil away for hours to level type game where you have very little challenge in combat and just need to sit at your computer and click for days on end to get better at the game. On the OTHER hand.... I do enjoy the skill leveling system they have, Most of the games I played are those level and choose points type games, where you can level skill without even trying them or ever using them until they're good. The training each skill thing is a breath of fresh air and add an interesting challenge to the game.

The whole flying aspect of the game, doesn't add much. There isn't a whole lot to lot at in the landscape or alot to do in the air. Just a slighly more fun and faster way of getting around.

I guess this is an OK game if you're looking for a new/your first MMO, but it's nothing new. Might as well stck with crap like maplestory where you already have monsterous characters.

I haven't played in a while though, the game gone under any massive changes lately?

Those who fear the darkness ahve never seen what the light can do.


  • dozer002dozer002 Member Posts: 37
    flyff is the best free mmorpg out there, in my opinion .. the training progress can be improved when u train in a party and u have ppl to talk with. Flyff Rules!

    H3/\/I $/\MP0

  • KargorKargor Member Posts: 4
    Originally posted by TinyBubbles

    The whole flying aspect of the game, doesn't add much. There isn't a whole lot to lot at in the landscape or alot to do in the air. Just a slighly more fun and faster way of getting around.

    I wouldn't call it "more fun", and certainly not faster than town portals :-) Like in all games, going to town and back is an annoyance.

    The flying has ONE nice thing, though: it's probably the only MMOG with a pause function. Flying hasn't actually been implemented into the game; hence groud based monsters cannot attack anyone in air, and there's next to no air monsters. So unless you're in a dungeon (or one of the very rare "no fly" zones, but there aren't any monsters there...), just hop on your board/broom and nothing can touch you.

    My current char information. Trickster, Scions of Fate, Last Chaos, Flyff.

  • toastngravytoastngravy Wizard 101 CorrespondentMember UncommonPosts: 80
    I haven't played since about a month after the new server glaphan came out, which was a week before V7 came out..

    So to kill your hopes and dreams, you don't level skills anymore, basically a level 15 acrobat can have max junk arrow etc. Billposters can kill people much higher then themselves now...i mean more easily, being 67 and killing people in the high 70's was fun on Mia.

    Though the system they have now just kind of makes all the new comers able to be even lazier considering most of them just shout for a plvl all the time now they don't even need to level their skills.
  • KargorKargor Member Posts: 4
    Yeah, before V7 the skill system was pretty unique and actually well done --- I mean, if you keep bashing monsters with your sword, why in the world should your fireball level up every once in a while? If you want to level fireball in real life :-) you have to cast fireballs, period. Everyone understands that kind of skill levelling system because it's very simple to grasp and makes sense at the same time... :-)

    As a sideeffect, you could make really successful Ringmasters by not being lazy with your skills. I've had people complaining to me about those crappy Ringmasters they got, long after I stopped supporting others and played completely solo. Oh well... those were the days.

    My current char information. Trickster, Scions of Fate, Last Chaos, Flyff.

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