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Could This Be the Game of Year for 2008?



  • KOrnfan4evrKOrnfan4evr Member Posts: 334
    Originally posted by Focus*Bankai

    if anyone does research this game and do their homework. Then they will all realize that hey... ITS GONNA TOTALLY ROCK . those that dont try will jus label it another asian grind fest (which in my opinion isnt that bad) and wont give it another look. i mean hey this game could change mmorpg as we know it!! and im very excited about  that
    With that said i will be the one to do such a thing.

    I watched one of the videos and although im not totaly degrading it, the graphics werent that huge of an upgrade to anything else thats been released, the combat still looks point and clicky, but the flying around does seem liek an alright feature.

    But really wouldnt be much of my cup of tea anymore, im into more of twitch based gameplay like Dark messiah, darkfall online, or age of conan. 

    Asheron's call Had something of the same line with a SEMI-TWITCH Combat game, but im just getting tired of these games wher eyou just rely on #'s in order to tell whether you hit or miss instead of bringing players to decide that.

    I could be wrong about the combat being point and click and maybe you do have to aim what you do.  Really just another point and click rpg (i have a feeling that the air combat will still be point and click) unless they do something like swg's expansion with the fps style space combat it'll still have its fanbois but wont really be as creative as everyones giving it credit to be.
  • ZinraeZinrae Member Posts: 50

    Well the aerial combat is going to be in first person mode, with wasd controls  :)

    Ground combat I'm not really sure. I wouldn't be surprised if they allowed for both wasd and point and click.

    At this point, we really don't know much about things like mechanics, so we'll have to wait a bit longer to find out what it's really going to be like ;)

  • KOrnfan4evrKOrnfan4evr Member Posts: 334
    Originally posted by Zinrae

    Well the aerial combat is going to be in first person mode, with wasd controls  :)
    Ground combat I'm not really sure. I wouldn't be surprised if they allowed for both wasd and point and click.
    At this point, we really don't know much about things like mechanics, so we'll have to wait a bit longer to find out what it's really going to be like ;)
    but keep in mind WASD Doesnt just mean thats how you control.  Basicaly what im talking about is a counter-strike mode that basicaly you aim any blow or arrow or magic you throw at an enemy.  Play "of might and magic dark messiah" and you'll see how much fun that is (dont get me wrong it gets boring cause the lack of multiplayer content but hte combat is outstanding).  They have a few games in the make like AGE OF CONAN and DARKFALL online and even Meridian 59 has what is called TWITCH combat which is just what i explained.  

    For me im just tired of every game being the same, im not just saying this towards AION now this is spanning across 98% of MMO's out today, PLANETSIDE is a true TWITCH MMO but hte lack of players makes it not worth the time.   Im just looking for hte content in the MMO"s but then allowing a player to use actual skill (which games like fury say you use yet doesnt require people to actaully have quick reflexes or "physicaly" work) but im looking for something that isnt going to be totaly item based.

    Darkfall online is actually supposed to make it so you could be "max level" (no real player levels just skill levels) could use a "Lvl 1" gear and kill everyone using "Max level" gear IF they can control themselves properly. 

    AION, in my eyes, just looks like LINEAGE 2 with AA x16 and flight.  Kutos to them though they'll make some money.
  • GameloadingGameloading Member UncommonPosts: 14,182
    Had you done some research, you would have known Aion is pretty much the complete opposite of Lineage 2.
  • DnomsedDnomsed Member UncommonPosts: 261
    I know im really stoked about this game.  It reminds me of a great PS title that came out toward the end of that consoles life 'Legend of the Dragoon'.  If it plays as good as it looks at the moment, it could top the charts in '08.

    Warhammer fanatic since '85.

  • SlangrothSlangroth Member Posts: 33

    Im 99.9% sure it wont win game of the year but may be a good game ^_^ and im looking forward to it.

  • RuffozRuffoz Member UncommonPosts: 76
    Something I read about the engine was that it was chosen cause it had great floral effects and that's what they wanted to accomplish a great background with trees, flowers, giant flowers, you get what I mean..

    They said this engine provided a good in depth feeling about the nature.


  • daboydaboy Member Posts: 9
    i know this games going to deliver  it looks veary solid  and the aesthetics are topped with that cry engine hope the beta comes out in korea soon it should be the better brother of PW hands
  • orezmaxorezmax Member Posts: 10

    I do believe this game "Aion" has a chance of being one of the best games "ONE OF THE". im am pleased such a game is being releaseed and i personaly can wait...and i mean the literaly lol. im making sure im one of the first on the EU survers because i can asure everyone this is gonna be a top game.

    but is it a pay2play game im not sure and if it is, is it pay once and play or pay monthly and even so how much would this be????????? i hope it is isnt p2p and if it is i hope its cheap lol

  • NiirnaethNiirnaeth Member Posts: 99
    It's almost definitely P2P, any  mmo this in depth isn't going to be free.
  • ValentinaValentina Member RarePosts: 2,110
    It could be.
  • NiirnaethNiirnaeth Member Posts: 99
    We can always dream.
  • CaladonCaladon Member Posts: 152
    If they implement at least most of the features that have been listed, it has potential.


  • gamespawngamespawn Member UncommonPosts: 21

    As i was thinking about this, i must say Aion is the most original upcomming mmorpg.

    Aion's gonna have some compation but i don't think it is going to be that big/great (THE COMPETION AYE LOL xD NOT AION :p)

    Personally i already fell inlove with this game just for the story-line and designs. SO aswer to the topic question yes this is one of the most likely best and most played games of 2008.

    Though i fear if nc-soft doesn't use their card-system for this game there will be a few hundreds who won't play because else you need visa and not everyone has that >.<

    So Aion's gonna be THE game of 2008 (most-likely)

  • RegenerationRegeneration Member Posts: 9

    It's definitely a possibility, and to be honest, I hope it is :p
    The game has amazing potential, I just want to play it SO much :)

    The graphics are amazing, and judging from videos, gameplay seems good too.

    Hopefully it will become game of the year, the game just needs more publicity :D

    ~ Shade / Regeneration

    Leader of Chosen Existence

  • pyrocrazypyrocrazy Member Posts: 65

    I wouldn't think too much publicity is a good thing... People will get hyped up for it and if it doesnt live up to expectations it will crash and burn so yes publicity is good but be carefuly about how much publicity it gets...

  • Gammit100Gammit100 Member UncommonPosts: 439

    I don't know about GOTY, but it  definitely looks promising.

    MMO games played or tested: EQ, DAoC, Archlord, Auto Assault, CoH, CoV, EQ2, EVE, Guild Wars, Hellgate: London, Linneage II, LOTRO, MxO, Planetside, SWG, Sword of the New World, Tabula Rasa, Vanguard, WWIIOL, WOW, Age of Conan


  • defenestratedefenestrate Member CommonPosts: 578

    It obviously wont be Game of the year since WAR is coming out in 2008 also.

  • OzmodanOzmodan Member EpicPosts: 9,726

    This game definitely looks interesting, but game of the year?  No korean game has yet to really dent the NorthAmerican/Europe market in that manner yet, pretty big stretch to think this one will.  Anything can happen of course, but the high graphics requirements will hurt it.

    Screen prints really mean nothing, you can readily use Vanguard as an example of that.

    We will have to wait for Beta to find out if it is the decent game we think it will be.

  • NiirnaethNiirnaeth Member Posts: 99
    Originally posted by defenestrate

    It obviously wont be Game of the year since WAR is coming out in 2008 also.

    Yes, because WAR is going to be game of the year! Dream on my friend, WoW clones ftl. Seriously now though I have nothing against WAR and hey maybe you'll be right. Next year we shall see!

  • tylerwicktylerwick Member Posts: 446

    Originally posted by Niirnaeth

    Originally posted by defenestrate

    It obviously wont be Game of the year since WAR is coming out in 2008 also.

    Yes, because WAR is going to be game of the year! Dream on my friend, WoW clones ftl. Seriously now though I have nothing against WAR and hey maybe you'll be right. Next year we shall see!

    Yea wow clone... I keep hearing this...  Have you actually looked into gameplay?  The skills and the sorts?     The WoW clone comments are getting old.  The bright colors on alot of screen shots are the only thaing that resembles wow.  The graphics engine is much more complex, much more detail

    Just my 2 cents

  • GrossmondGrossmond Member Posts: 14

    Originally posted by Niirnaeth

    Originally posted by defenestrate

    It obviously wont be Game of the year since WAR is coming out in 2008 also.

    Yes, because WAR is going to be game of the year! Dream on my friend, WoW clones ftl. Seriously now though I have nothing against WAR and hey maybe you'll be right. Next year we shall see!

    You do realize that WAR was in development and well along BEFORE WoW was announced and unveiled to public eyes right?  Seriously I get tired of every person I see say this game is a wow clone or that game is a wow clone, heck that ANY game is a clone of another.  ames aren't quick creations,  MMO's especially.  4 YEARS is the avg development cycle of a standard MMO, and thats only the coding end with R&D and Idea tossing it can go as high as 5 or 6.


    Sorry for being slightly off topic with the last 2 posters, but that stuff just gets under my skin.  Aion has looked like a very innovative game for some time, and by all means I hope everything goes off without hitch.

  • NiirnaethNiirnaeth Member Posts: 99

    Wow, Grossmond and Tylerwick, learn to read the ENTIRE post. I was clearly being sarcastic but since my smilie tongue and "seriously now, I have nothing against WAR" didn't give it away I'll say it again. I was being sarcastic. I love the irony with your opening "you do realize" considering your clueless.

    Glad to see you guys scouring the forums not related to WAR for haters though, I would hate to see them get away. Maybe next time you'll catch a real hater in the act. Good luck and happy trolling.

  • Focus*BankaiFocus*Bankai Member Posts: 219

    plz dont turn this thread into another war thread this is a AION thread. keep ur war and wow crap in the war and wow forums plz.

  • GameloadingGameloading Member UncommonPosts: 14,182

    Originally posted by Grossmond

    Originally posted by Niirnaeth

    Originally posted by defenestrate

    It obviously wont be Game of the year since WAR is coming out in 2008 also.

    Yes, because WAR is going to be game of the year! Dream on my friend, WoW clones ftl. Seriously now though I have nothing against WAR and hey maybe you'll be right. Next year we shall see!


    You do realize that WAR was in development and well along BEFORE WoW was announced and unveiled to public eyes right?  Seriously I get tired of every person I see say this game is a wow clone or that game is a wow clone, heck that ANY game is a clone of another.  ames aren't quick creations,  MMO's especially.  4 YEARS is the avg development cycle of a standard MMO, and thats only the coding end with R&D and Idea tossing it can go as high as 5 or 6.


    Sorry for being slightly off topic with the last 2 posters, but that stuff just gets under my skin.  Aion has looked like a very innovative game for some time, and by all means I hope everything goes off without hitch.

    I don't think thats true.

    Mythic received the warhammer IP for an MMO in may 2005. The game was accounced after that.

    I remember being surprised by the announcement that game would be released in 2007, as that would mean the game would have a development cycle of only 2 years, which is very little time for an MMO.

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