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I don't see casual or hard core players be as the real issue.
Casual/Solo/Team/Hardcore/PvE/PvP/RvR/RPG and so on...
Real issue with current games, is designers wanting all in one same game. Wanting all, creates similarity and not enough induvidualism for game to be interesting. Soon, we don't really have to choose what game we play, because playing one, You have played them all. Simple way sayed, wanting all, You have something what can't do anyting good, just average in everyting.
I prefer, if You design game, target it for certain player group and make it best what You can, for them. Mostly because many different playing style have conflicts between what they needs. Example improving soloability sometimes lower teaming possibilities. Also PvP needs of balance, can make PvE more dull as loosing the diversity. Casuality can make things faster and hardcore lose the chalenge.
Trying to do all in same game, only cause this dull average game.
MMORPG.COM has worst forum editor ever exists