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I got the game at release and played for the free month. I ran into multiple bugs one being when I swam in water and the camera went under the water then back up everything went black, but was fixed by alt+tabbing out and back in. Another one would ALSO be fixed by alt+tabbing. Everything froze in place and like the last 2 frames repeated and so did the sound.
Other reasons I stopped playing because I needed a break from mmorpgs in general and to let this game get fixed up a little more.
I was wondering from the people playing it now:
1. How much has been fixed? I.E bugs and glitches
2. Have there been any feature improvements that helped the game a lot?
3. How is the population? I hear it is thriving.
4. For people who play on the Team PvP server how does it play out? (My Character is on there at like level 7 though) Do you get ganked a lot where you think it is safe, or is it fun pvp?
I can't think of anything else to ask right now. I am downloading it now and I do plan on playing it (unless I get a change of heart). I have been itching to play an mmorpg for a while and this one is from what I remember a damn good one with a hell of a lot of potential (like SWG had).
1. The only significant bug that I encounter these days is the grouping bug (players in other chunks somrtimes drop out of groups) and the occasional CTD. I have found that both bugs can be minimized easily.
2. The diplomacy sphere has really improved. You play with more cards. The AI has multiple decks to choose from. And you don't have to grind after you hit rank 40 (new quests all over the place).
3. Good. No complaints.
4. I don't play on the PvP server.
I just thought of another question.
Are Rogues stealth ability still broken? I played one, even though I never really ran into it as a problem, people in general and stuff were always saying it was completely broken. I think in PvP or something.
There are still bugs in it, but less than in other games after running 4 Month
As long as Sigil has the lead (i hope forever
) they will fix the rest too
"Die Vorzüge von gestern sind oft die Fehler von morgen" Anatole France
This one I know about. Rogues had a high chance for someone lower level than them and one level above to see them in stealth. I know they fixed that one, but not sure how it's panning out in PVP. I haven't played in about a month. I have heard nothing but improvements though. I'll be back in september after I get married. Have fun!
We all should be out doing that instead of gaming, mind you I am 20 right now, so I'll settle for my girlfriend...
1. How much has been fixed? I.E bugs and glitches
Lots of bugs fixed, still a few to go but each patch brings more smiles.
2. Have there been any feature improvements that helped the game a lot?
Graphics lag has improved loads and the newbie areas upto 20th level have been improved a lot with content, still it wasn't bad before but now there is a ton of things to do.
3. How is the population? I hear it is thriving.
Still thriving, took a little dive after the free month but has recooped and moving forward.
4. For people who play on the Team PvP server how does it play out? (My Character is on there at like level 7 though) Do you get ganked a lot where you think it is safe, or is it fun pvp?
Dunno about pvp.
Now playing: VG (after a long break from MMORPGS)
Played for more than a month: Darkfall online, Vanguard SOH, Everquest, Horizons, WoW, SWG, Everquest II, Eve
A large portion of todays gamers like myself are bored with the current crop of games. That's one reason you see them constantly checking up on how games are currently doing.
I just don't see anything worthwhile out atm. Hopefully, this will change and soon. But if a decent game was to emerge they would definitely corner the gaming market being the majority are bored silly with whats out now.