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Well people, I just got everyone of my accounts banned because i was trying to find out why they blocked my IP address related account to the account that should have beent he only one banned.
10 thing the game lacks.
1. Customer Service Reps that know how to do their job.
2. Game Master don't help, they just ban and block accounts
3. Scammers everywhere, games all based on greed
4. No real guilds, people don't talk in this game unless they are trying to curse at you cuz they are all emo players.
5. PK system in the game is not even equal when it comes down to it.
6. No events worth doing cuz all event items are gone after an amount of time
7. People are rude, farming is impossible, and yet the servers are to crouded.
8. Game has to much bugs and you get banned for accidently stumling on them, so no more accounts.
9. Bitching by GM cuz they do to much work when they don't do anything.
10. All in all, the game lacks all the things all mmo games need.
Yes, I actually tried to get in contact with Gala and well almost 2 weeks now and no reply at all. It seems that all they want are the scammers to take over the game in hopes that they will make money off of them because where else do you think the money they make comes from. In my mind I see one thing. I see these so called scammers that are not being punished are actually workers within the Gala family. I would not be supprised if that was it.
If I could I would do one thing to eliminate this and that's if I win the lotto soon. If that does happen I was thinking of buying the rights to the company or buy them out from the asian developers. If so then I will own more then 90% of their business and hire a real staff that would:
Sorry Gala but you lack a lot of things, Take it from the people that know, your customers. Stop playing god and realize that once you lost me you lost $500.00 a month, once you blocked my family and friends you lost over $2000.00 a month. I forsee many lawsuits in your future.
As I don't deny your claims of what happened in fact I completely believe you. I find it hard to believe you can sue Why not get a few friends together as well as people from here that have been on flyff I will be happy to contribute. and write and e-mail to providing them with email addresses and account names of people from flyff contesting that they to have either heard or recieved such treatment from the GM's and support staff. and that we all wish an investigation to take place. I to would like Flyff to become a better place and the right start to go with is new GM's and Support Staff. People who are better deserved there place for these positions and people who are better qualified. I would be more then willing to help you and give you the first of I hope user names for flyff.
<Mod edit>
I hope this can help you as I hope you take up my suggestion.
I have had problems with some of the GMs myself, in i had bought some gpot. and bought items and then there was a rollback, when i tried to get ahold of customer service to get my stuff back, i got no e-mail back and have yet to get my gpot. back for the items i had lost. Then when i had mentioned it on the forums my post was deleted after only 15 min.s. Not to mention all the server problems they have had, and the increaseing number of people flameing each other in the game for no good reasons, such as cussing at someone because they simply refused to "party" with them. Things on this game are starting to get out of control, unfortunately i haven't found a game that has been able to replace this game. I admit i have played a few games that were worth playing more than this, but unfortunately i don't have the money anymore to spend 15$ a month on a game. Games very simply done can just place advertiseing inside of a game which can pay for the costs to run the servers and then some. That's how network TV works and they've managed to keep stations running for over 40 years.
(> <) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!
I played since the beta came out from the first time also whent back on the horse when it came back up after a times rest and have bin hacked 4-5 times.
I have 2 acc and one of them is still constently on hack attacks..
I havent got helped after first hacked attack thill now, no help att all just completley ingorance. I decided i rather play a game where the gms cares about the players then just treat them like crap so im on wow atm..
But even though i quit the game wount mean i will stop fight for the players, cues this game is crashing and in a whay even the gms have turned to scammers since they are all gone from help anymore.
Even friend of mine when banned for "lvling to fast" witch is pure bull since she was a ring master (ring master lvls a bitt faster since they always needed in healing and supporting for you that dont know).
But in my belves about this list, if we get a list with over 1000 sign ups and send it not to the gms cues they would just ignore it, just straight up to the creaters that has hierd these game masters and why we are doing this maybe they will understand. If not then there will be no use to keep fighting for the rights in flyff, cues if not even the creators cares no one will..
(exuse my flaws in spellings)
(thats why i couldent change pass when the hackers started to attack it).
And beleve me i got mouth to mouth talking already inside the game, i was a guild owner for a
half and half well known guild that had to crash cues of this hackers.
Already at that time i talked about them about making a list against the gms,
but i had to find a place to create it to not risk the gms to crash it with deleting it or block it.
Im not afraid to get banned by them anymore, i dont care as long as the gsm get removed
and better gets in there instead.
Im doing this for the players that had sufferd in this game and only keep playing cues
its free. Free my ass to be abel to even lvl after 60-70+ u are forced to buy s-pro
to be abel to even lvl in an normal way. And to even buy them inside the gane
is almoust impossible since the price on them is HUGE.
And i could swear that if we starting this, in a serius matter, we will get THOUSANDS
of people that gone hang on and help us in our movment to crush the gms!
The only tricky part is to make them feel safe with us and not beeing scared to get banned
by follow us or sign up on the list.
So before we start it we must have gather every material and evrything so we know what we gone start
and how wer gona do and yeah evrything importent fact to take up.
With my 2+ years of experience on the bad behaviur fropm the gms we need to make a clear list
with a red thread in it: what are we doing this for, what do we whant out from it, what is bad, and what are it we whant to change.
List EVERYTHING even the smallest thing that maybe gets forgotten.
Once we got our working plan we can start the movement inside and outside.
Also you wount have to be treated bad to be abel to sign up as long as u sign up for the reason we are having the list.
To make the game better and safe, if a game not safe why even bother to risk playing in it with game masters
that lets the door stands open for scamms/hackers and spammers.
well my own history against the game masters and hackers is long
and bouth of my 2 acc has bin attacked and never helped by the game masters.
<Mod edit>
email: [email protected]
known chars in game: Romeoo, Cazanova, MrsHell (full masterd rm lvl 80, yoyo jester 72 and knight 71)
i have had more chars then this but these are the moust known.
Formal leader for the guild named Cursed and have also bin guild leader for one of the biggest swedish only guild
that was called SwedishBerserks.
Server: Lawolf
experiense: since beta in jun-july 2005 to now 2007
attacked by: hackers over 4 times, one of my acc is still under randomly attacks wich made me quit since i cant play anymore.
have lost: 6 chars cleaned and stripped from evrything such as strente, mighters, cash shop sets, cash shop pet,
+7 armour sets and so on and so on with items valued over 200-300m together in game.
They also deleted 3 of my chars and 2 of my guilds i was leader for one of them was my guild named Cursed that was lvl 17+.
Got help from the game masters: nada zero nothing, only total ignorence not even my cash shop item back as they
commersal every time they are online (witch is barely no time at all) that they will replace it.
All my friends that still playing have sad they would sign up a list if there would be any when this happend to me.
And i hope they still are willing to do that.
And if we win this "case" i will laugh so hard that the game masters got what they deservd.
A friendly reminder: do no post account names & e-mail addresses. The account name is only useful for the company in charge of game in regards of support (& we have no way of telling if its your own account or not).
E-mails: link to the site where the e-mail addresses are given (so there is no doubt of who owns the e-mail).
Playing any other game like Flyff is just a high risk situation, (but low cost for the most part) and I would expect to have all of those problems the OP described, which is why I completely steer clear of them.
There's a good reason to pay a decent monthly fee, its supposed to buy you reasonable customer support.....
"True friends stab you in the front." | Oscar Wilde
"I need to finish" - Christian Wolff: The Accountant
Just trying to live long enough to play a new, released MMORPG, playing New Worlds atm
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. Pvbs 18:2, NIV
Don't just play games, inhabit virtual worlds™
"This is the most intelligent, well qualified and articulate response to a post I have ever seen on these forums. It's a shame most people here won't have the attention span to read past the second line." - Anon
Isnt this game free? correct me if im wrong. If you owned a server thats not cheap to maintain and a staff that was paid none or little, would you expect them to work as well as a pay to play? or a more expensive MMO?
Ill say it again, You get what you paid for
Isnt this game free? correct me if im wrong. If you owned a server thats not cheap to maintain and a staff that was paid none or little, would you expect them to work as well as a pay to play? or a more expensive MMO?
Ill say it again, You get what you paid for
I don't think that should matter when it comes to a MMO. Its the fact that every day its a learning experience theres no end to the game you can keep designing and bringing new things to the game. Its a constant challenge and I think anyone who takes control of the staff should look at that and realise the best free MMO will spawn more MMO's that are free and that are better then the play to pay. Its very possible to even pay staff with in game advertisements. I've seen it before and TV has been doing it for many years. It wouldn't take much to get endorsment deals from advertisers. In fact it would be extremely easy as it would be advertising to young adults the biggest resource for income. So in other wise no, you never get what you pay for you get lazy staff that don't have any imagination or wants to do anything but get paid to sit around.Yes the game is free to play but only that. They make their money from their cash shop sthat they offer ingame and outgame through their website. This is where they get their money to pay their staffs. At first glance people see free to play but in order to advance and become stronger they force people into having to make purchases from their in game shop... let me give you a good example
In order for a person to get a +8 weapon they would have to purchase a product that would allow them a 100% non-breakage of an item. Without that product you will have a 90% chance of the item failing while enchanting and a 95% chance of it breaking due to failing. Reminder that the item can get to +3 without breaking. After that it will take 5-30 of these 100% non-breakage items to get just 1 +1 added to the weapon or armor you are enchanting. The reason for 5-30 is because of the high fail rate and that you can only use the item 1 time even if you fail. The Item I am talking about is called an Sprotect scroll and check it out, they cost 400 gpotatoes which is roughly around $4 USD. I once spent $50 just to get an item up to +8 and heard that it takes about $200 to get an item up to +10.
The outcome I've came to with my character was this. I had x2 weapons that had +8 enchants on them which cost me roughly around $100 to get them to +8 and to purchase the items from players because in order to afford such an item I had to sell my sprotect scrolls. On top of that I had x4 armor all at +7 which cost me roughly around $150 to get enchanted. But I won't stop there, to got my cash shop dog to pick up money and items for me that cost me an additional $28 and then I bought a ninja outfit at additional $28 because my character would look gay without it, but I am not done, I also had to buy special gear by selling sprotect scrolls which roughly cost me around an additional $150, ohhh wait, their is more, I also had to purchase a cloak that added stats to me at an additional $20. But then you got to think about your other character which needs just about the same amount of enchants, items, and specailty gear. So if you think about it, the total of just having 2 characters would top that of a pay to play game by ohh lets say 1000% more the cost, but I might be a little short on the percentage.
They are banking off of these cash shop items and trust me, I know that they are because everyone wants them and more then about 75% of the players which I've been on has cash shop clothing, enchanted weapons, or anything offered from the cash shop. So forget that little $15 a month fee people use for the pay to play games, this game would cost more then a little peon $15 a month. These are my weekly average of $1000 per account which I hold.
I agree entirely. As everyone knows... when you kill mobs that are your level, the experience rate is down to 0.04% per kill. Therefore, everyone who plays Flyff knows that in order to gain "better" experience you have to attack mobs that are atleast 5 levels above your level.
BUT... the only way a person at higher levels will be able to kill mobs that are higher levels is if they are completely decked out. Meaning.. their character MUST have atleast +8 or higher armor AND weapons, and all the necessary jewelry.
My character had: +8 guardian bow (worth more than 50 mil), TWO mighteer earrings +1 (at the time they were worth 50mil EACH on Glaphan when I purchased them... so I paid 100mil for 2 earrings), one Gore+6 necklace (20mil), Arek Ring +5 (5-6 mil) and Arek Ring +6 (10mil), a School Event Cape +100 hp(purchased off of cash shops, worth 2000 gpots = $20 USD, a Doggy (purchased off of cash shops, worth 2700 gpots = about $28 USD), a Maid Set Outfit that I later traded with another player (purchased off of cash shops, worth 2700 gpots = about $28), endless amount of Sprotects known as "spros" that cost 400 gpots for a bundle of 5 = $4 USD) because that is the only way you can enchant your armor and weapons pass +3 without worrying about losing your items, Bunny Ears (purchased off of cash shops, worth 900 gpots = about $10 USD), Blue Bird Mask +1 Dex (purchased off of cash shops, worth 1000 gpots = about $11 USD).
With all of this equipped on my character... I was still unable to fight mobs that were 5-7 levels higher than me just for a wimpy 0.10% experience gain per kill. Woohoo... 0.1% thats a wholeee lot !!!! NOT.
The game may be FREE TO PLAY, but in order to keep playing and advancing... you end up spending over $200 USD on just one character alone. $200 USD does not equal FREE.
I think 100% of players at higher levels know that in order to keep leveling YOU have to frequently purchase items from Cash Shops. I mean ...geez, just look at all the SHOUT SPAM that goes on on all the servers in Flyff... "PURCHASING 100 SPROS FOR 1.5/2.5/4.5 MIL"... prices depend on which server you play on. Glaphan is apparently the cheapest server to play on. And I spent over $200 USD on just one character on that server. Mind you... I had 3 characters.
There is no way... a person could possibly continue to play Flyff without being forced to purchase the proper items (Spros, Gpros, ect) to advance from Cash Shops. These frequent Cash Shop purchases may either be used on their own equipment or to resell for MILLIONS of in game money.
This game is based on GREED.
Forget about asking for help when you have been hacked or scammed. You will recieve NO HELP from customer service. They made it clear in their forums. So if you lose all of your $100 USD items that you purchased from Cash Shops... I sympathize with you. You will never get it back... nor will be refunded for your lost... nor will you even get the other party punished for being the reason as to why you lost your items even with PROOF (aka screenshots).
But you can get someone temporarily banned for spamming the shout. WOW... shout spamming = HORRIBLE on flyff. It annoys the hell out of Flyff GMs. Especially when people constantly complain about it.
So if you ever have the feeling that you will soon be banned... I'd advise you to SHOUT SPAM as much as possible before your ban. Lmfao... it's entertaining and great for kicks.
I agree entirely. As everyone knows... when you kill mobs that are your level, the experience rate is down to 0.04% per kill. Therefore, everyone who plays Flyff knows that in order to gain "better" experience you have to attack mobs that are atleast 5 levels above your level.
BUT... the only way a person at higher levels will be able to kill mobs that are higher levels is if they are completely decked out. Meaning.. their character MUST have atleast +8 or higher armor AND weapons, and all the necessary jewelry.
My character had: +8 guardian bow (worth more than 50 mil), TWO mighteer earrings +1 (at the time they were worth 50mil EACH on Glaphan when I purchased them... so I paid 100mil for 2 earrings), one Gore+6 necklace (20mil), Arek Ring +5 (5-6 mil) and Arek Ring +6 (10mil), a School Event Cape +100 hp(purchased off of cash shops, worth 2000 gpots = $20 USD, a Doggy (purchased off of cash shops, worth 2700 gpots = about $28 USD), a Maid Set Outfit that I later traded with another player (purchased off of cash shops, worth 2700 gpots = about $28), endless amount of Sprotects known as "spros" that cost 400 gpots for a bundle of 5 = $4 USD) because that is the only way you can enchant your armor and weapons pass +3 without worrying about losing your items, Bunny Ears (purchased off of cash shops, worth 900 gpots = about $10 USD), Blue Bird Mask +1 Dex (purchased off of cash shops, worth 1000 gpots = about $11 USD).
With all of this equipped on my character... I was still unable to fight mobs that were 5-7 levels higher than me just for a wimpy 0.10% experience gain per kill. Woohoo... 0.1% thats a wholeee lot !!!! NOT.
The game may be FREE TO PLAY, but in order to keep playing and advancing... you end up spending over $200 USD on just one character alone. $200 USD does not equal FREE.
I think 100% of players at higher levels know that in order to keep leveling YOU have to frequently purchase items from Cash Shops. I mean ...geez, just look at all the SHOUT SPAM that goes on on all the servers in Flyff... "PURCHASING 100 SPROS FOR 1.5/2.5/4.5 MIL"... prices depend on which server you play on. Glaphan is apparently the cheapest server to play on. And I spent over $200 USD on just one character on that server. Mind you... I had 3 characters.
There is no way... a person could possibly continue to play Flyff without being forced to purchase the proper items (Spros, Gpros, ect) to advance from Cash Shops. These frequent Cash Shop purchases may either be used on their own equipment or to resell for MILLIONS of in game money.
This game is based on GREED.
Forget about asking for help when you have been hacked or scammed. You will recieve NO HELP from customer service. They made it clear in their forums. So if you lose all of your $100 USD items that you purchased from Cash Shops... I sympathize with you. You will never get it back... nor will be refunded for your lost... nor will you even get the other party punished for being the reason as to why you lost your items even with PROOF (aka screenshots).
But you can get someone temporarily banned for spamming the shout. WOW... shout spamming = HORRIBLE on flyff. It annoys the hell out of Flyff GMs. Especially when people constantly complain about it.
So if you ever have the feeling that you will soon be banned... I'd advise you to SHOUT SPAM as much as possible before your ban. Lmfao... it's entertaining and great for kicks.
Well then if this is the case it blows the "you get what you pay for" motto for cash shop generated games out of the water. If this is the case then we should have a lot better customer service in flyff. Also we deserve it for all those people paying so much to be able to play the game. I personally have not spent one scent in the game. I've bought my stuff through online currency through deals and such and have gotten cash shop items for Penya. (I play a lot!) So without further Adue I introduce the letter to again. It may work or it may not, but in order to receive the just things we deserver we need something to tell were not satisfied.I too agree with Godlydemon. We should move on this idea. Whether it be successful or not, it doesn't hurt to try.
Hi Everyone.
Hi.I had been playing this game for some time now, Game is Free if you know how to make money, Yes, Throughout time that this game kept running, expect the unexpected. Its like anyone going to a newly opened restaurant. You tried it, went there a couple of times, then you slowly noticed that, their loosing their signature taste, that "uniquesness". Game used to have helpful GM, then had been replaced, like that same Chef that cooks the food on that newly opened restaurant. The point is, things change, and that change affects how that first person set up things in the first place. Im sure those "starting" gaming companies experienced that too. I TOTALLY hated how things are going on now with this game, GM shows up only whenever they wanted too, if they do so,you can meet up with them on a certain spot, tell them what's the problem and all that. what will you get, this. "................" "try your luck next time" .yadi ~ ya di ya.. blah blah explains all the crap that had happened, GM feeLz , (that's the name) "just luck man," *ignores you after that long explanation* .. so yeah.. so much for a lazy ass not to do his job even if you say the magic word "pls" . Acts like a God, .. yeah right. I know that some Flyff player out there knows this jerk and so other GM, I wish i own this Gala, i still think that its still have a chance to .. change, that change of course will happen if whoever currently own this "Galanet" to figure out and make Changes. About making money here, Farming is possible at certain lvl with of course "trustworthy" friends. that's where that scamming and other lame stuffs happens,im a lvl 108, the last time i remember used money was when i was a noobie, i dont know how to make money, then till i figured out how, i honestly spent like... $150, first 50 was sort of "donation" other was some stuff you could sell to help you out at lvl 40, as i remember that's the time im broke with penya.. and that was it. Investing on "rare" stuff, and have a friendly guild you could hook up with to farm CW, before a GM has a "time" to help a guild get inside a boss room or ClockWork, no time limit till your guild stands still and were able to finish him off, viola! usefull stuffs you could use to advance or "save it" to sell it to other players for "penya > money " . All in all, if a game is free, and you can "seek and you shall find" with any of questions that you want answers, then you can still somehow enjoy the "free game" your playing. But then, If your planning to play this game, Dont play this, Unless you have the Patience required to have certain things you wanted to have.Im also not defending this crappy game. I honestly hated this, just playing this with friends, for chat, help out other players , and stop them from making a mistake. It IS a crappy game coz people running it.. are all crappy. that's right Gala.Net .. CHECK your PEOPLE and DO IT RIGHT. DONT BE DAMN GREEDY. Bastards.
tokitchi mikuni
I agree with you as well. needs to get rid of their support staff. Wait... did I say "Support?" Haha, I made a funny. I forgot there is no such thing as "support" in Flyff.