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PvP or PvE?

KimoKimo Member UncommonPosts: 63
This game sounds like it's going to be a PvP heavy game.  Does anyone know if this is the case?


  • Hamilton-NEOHamilton-NEO Member Posts: 75

    PvP or PvE or Both?

    Well that depends on the phase of the release of the title.  We're implementing a Phase Approach (also called a Slow Rollout).  For the initial phase, Force of Arms will be strongly PvP with AI elements controlling secondary items.  Future expansion will see greater AI control allowing for PvE elements.  Eventually there will be a balance of PvE and PvP, with most PvP action taking place at the borders and uncontrolled areas.

    Hopefully that answered your question, we welcome more.

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  • KimoKimo Member UncommonPosts: 63


    My table-top role play buddies and I are looking forward to your release.  I personally will be looking forward to your PvE content.

    Thanks for the quick reply!

  • Hamilton-NEOHamilton-NEO Member Posts: 75

    Thanks for the interest!

    If you're familiar with the history of BattleTech (tm), of how it first came out as a tabletop Tactical Mech vs Mech Game and then expanded from there (CityTech (tm), AeroTech (tm) and Mech Warrior RPG (tm)).  That is our plan as well, but instead of the tabletop, we're going with the MMO medium.  We're following the history of old wargames and of book and dice RPG's.

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  • GreatnessGreatness Member UncommonPosts: 2,188
    Will this have Open PvP?


    Currently Playing:

  • Hamilton-NEOHamilton-NEO Member Posts: 75
    By "Open PvP", do you mean unrestricted capability to choose to PvP?

    Such as you may at a whim, no matter where at, to attack another player, even at a considered safe area.

    Or do you mean something else?

    I just want to clarify first.

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  • eaglerangereagleranger Member Posts: 66
    i have been searching and searching and searching for a mech mmog i own and played mw 1,2,3,4, and starsiege i have been waiting along time for a mech mmog  PLEASE CONSIDER ME FOR YOUR BETAS PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !

    i fight the battles other fear


  • LeJohnLeJohn Member Posts: 313

    Hmmm I also have been looking for a mechwarror style MMO.


    Will it be faction (RVR) or will there be privateer/corp style battles.  Ok basicly it you ever played the original MW or MW2 take that gameplay and MW Mercanries.....   Actually thats the question, will the battles be in missions or simply a free range fight. When there be turnys like in MW4 or will it be team fights.  (as in Starsiege)


    and most important, will there be localized damage and will the winner beable to keep the spoils. Actually.... will it be skill based fighting? 

    ie: I destroy only the pilot thus the majority of the mech is in good shape, do i get to keep it and add it to my stable in my drop ship (once it's repaired of course)?


    Ok..  im sweating now... here is one example of what I have been looking for (the last 10 years).

    A corp (or house) you have worked for contacts you: You get a mission to steal a prototype mech a rival corp.

    A timer starts and as You setup your team (a list of corpmates or friendlys currently online) pops up and you send an invite to the mission. In the invite a min payment and loot rules are listed, the first *4 players that accept are transported to the mission start point. 

    At the same time the target corp has recived intel about a possable attack so it spawns a defence mission invites to players that are friendly to the corp.  Ok the 5 defenders accept the contract and are transported to their starting location and begin to discuss battle plans.

    Now since this is not a destroy the prototype but steal the prototype one of the team will not be able to attack in a mech, instead a desposable unit such as a tank or jeep will be used.  The timer ends and the battle starts. for the attackers they must not only destroy or nutralize the defender but protect the grabber.  In the mean time the defenders not only have to defend but must pay attention to the prototyp so it does not get stolen.

    Lets say that i'm in the attacking team and I chose the jeep. I wait, listen and watch until the defenders are nutralized or distracted from their duties. I then rush in and grab the prototype mech. I can then run or join the fight, however any damage done to the prototype will come out of the contract. Well the battle is going well and 2 of the 5 defenders have punched out (they took enough dmag or overheated to a point that they ejected) so I join in and help take out the 3rd defender before making a run for the extraction point.

    Half way there I give the call to fall back for extraction, the rest of the team (we lost 1 mech) withdraws as he dropship comes in to pick us up. The firepower of the dropship causes the defenders to retreat.  As soon as everyone is aboard the mission ends and the loot tables kick in. 

    Because we were sucessful we are rewarded with light mechs, wepons etc... also We keep the loot, the mission contract owner gets first pick of equipment (one of the defender wrecked & stripped mechs) then it goes to a need before greed roll.  Once someone wins in ither need or greed they can not roll again until everyone else has received loot. Thus all the salvage is distrubutied as well as mission money plus all of the group gets a rateing boost with that corp, thus allowing them prefrence for that corps' missions.  Also they take a hit to the enemy corp, low enough and no missions will be offered from the enemy corp.

    As to the looseing defenders, they get only the contract money but take a rating hit from the corp (screw up enough and they will not call you) as well as the loss of the destroyed mechs and equipment.


    thats what i have been looking for, something along this line.  

  • Hamilton-NEOHamilton-NEO Member Posts: 75

    First, thanks for the interests!

    Well let's see here...

    For overall game play, it will be a Realm vs Realm, but with dynamic boundaries.  It is expected that sides will shift and gain or loose power.  Perhaps to where one side is decimated.  There are many problems with this, such as when one side is loosing, people may begin to desert and join a winning side.  So we're looking into methods to help stem that; such as a loosing side will provide better payouts and salvage rights than a winning side; and allowing for rebel activities.


    Yes I have played the original MechWarrior and MW Mercenaries, and mission payouts would be similar.  As for mission based or open range, that is up to the player.  We will provide as much options as possible to the player.  If a player only wants to go one single missions (perhaps that is all the time the player has for), then that is possible.  Group and arena fights are to be provided as well.  Groups are not mandatory, but they will improve the chances of success.


    Damage is to be "localized", using firing arcs and locations arcs with specific hit locations.  Armor placements will be based on the specific location (Upper Leg, Lower Leg, Foot, etc); internal structure is based on general locations (Left Leg).  For salvage or loot rights, that is hard to say.  We're looking at to when the chassis of the Mech cannot be taken (the owning player always owns it), but the internal systems can be damaged, destroyed or looted.  Additionally, the factions will take a significant portion of the salvage, unless the player is a Mercenary or an Independent.


    What you typed out of the mission of capturing a prototype, I can see happening.  We are planning on using computer controlled squadrons, which basically is similar to how you typed it, but the players are told by the computer (faction leader) to form up into squadrons and go onto the mission.  This you can say is forced grouping (assuming the player volunteered for this).  Your use of a players to form a group to perform a given mission, based on a computer request, I think is reasonable to apply.


    Overall, yes, we're looking at the old school ways of doing things.

    Something along those lines.

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  • vajurasvajuras Member Posts: 2,860

    I'll be checking out force of arms been following this MMO for a bit.

  • impulsebooksimpulsebooks Member Posts: 561

    Originally posted by Hamilton-WDS

    Damage is to be "localized", using firing arcs and locations arcs with specific hit locations.  Armor placements will be based on the specific location (Upper Leg, Lower Leg, Foot, etc); internal structure is based on general locations (Left Leg).  For salvage or loot rights, that is hard to say.  We're looking at to when the chassis of the Mech cannot be taken (the owning player always owns it), but the internal systems can be damaged, destroyed or looted.  Additionally, the factions will take a significant portion of the salvage, unless the player is a Mercenary or an Independent.

    Looting will always be a big part of any MMO, so I think looting an entire mech would quickly get out of hand. I mean, in RVR or PVP a given player can expect to die multiple times. If his mech is looted out from under him, where does he find another ride? Also, the winner of such fights will soon own dozens of mechs. So no, I think looting must be limited to scrap or individual mech systems like ammo, weapons, sensors etc.

    To mimic an well known games loot table, perhaps this would work out:

    Grey = Scrap armour (other metals) would be vendor trash... maybe crafters can recycle it??

    White = Ammo ruseable by players or saleable

    Green = Armour in good condition, weapons, sensors, sheilds etc. Worth selling at auctions or using on your own mech.

    Blues = More powerful weapons, sensors, or shields.

    Purples = Special weapons like one offs.Unique items like prototupe guns etc.

    I know the above is reason I am not a games developer, but the basic idea is sound isn't it? 




    Mark E. Cooper
    AKA Tohrment
    Proud member of Damned Souls since 2007.

  • Hamilton-NEOHamilton-NEO Member Posts: 75

    We are looking at something like that, but rather than by a color code, plan on going by the level of difficulty and time requires to remove items.  For example, salvaging an engine will not be an instant click and drop affair.  It will take time, maybe 10 minutes of game time, and do not think that those 10 minutes means to sit around and be bored.  Every minute spent salvaging increases the possibilities of enemy reinforcements (and perhaps the defeated player), as well as enemy first responders (most likely aircraft).

    So most likely to avoid those potential airstrikes or artillery barrages, may be best to snatch what can be done quickly, such as ammunition or fuel or a hand weapon and get the hell out of there.  Of course if the Mech doesn't have hands, then that is going to add in more problems...

    But we are looking at other helpful way of collecting salavages, such as hiring a salvage team to pick up after each fight; of course for a % split of the loot.

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  • impulsebooksimpulsebooks Member Posts: 561

    Originally posted by Hamilton-WDS

    We are looking at something like that, but rather than by a color code, plan on going by the level of difficulty and time requires to remove items.  For example, salvaging an engine will not be an instant click and drop affair.  It will take time, maybe 10 minutes of game time, and do not think that those 10 minutes means to sit around and be bored.  Every minute spent salvaging increases the possibilities of enemy reinforcements (and perhaps the defeated player), as well as enemy first responders (most likely aircraft).

    Now I really love this idea. I can already imagine the tension I would feel trying to grab that engine, and watching my scanner like a hawk as the minutes tick by. The "dead" player would be screaming for aid on his chat, no doubt giving away my co-ords... hehehe.

    Love it. 


    Mark E. Cooper
    AKA Tohrment
    Proud member of Damned Souls since 2007.

  • reijsreijs Member Posts: 4

    that does sound awesome

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