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Okay so far we've establised..
1. kama sellers are breaking the rules
2. people need kamas to get further into Dofus, ergo have more fun with Dofus.
If the admins are so concerned about kama sellers, they should make the sale available on the main shop/website.
It's more money, right? Why not put extra headgear perks in as well?
Also I 'd like to suggest the uploading of personal illustrations, as well as the option to turn off downloading of illustrations. If this is a good idea then please don't
RESTRICT the illustration at all except for putting a rating system like they do in the movies. Allow people to rate their own illustration as adult, teen or general audience --
I mean come on, the game already has testicles, brains and severed heads. It can't get any worse than that.
Again I emphasize, code an illustration upload option for subscribers, and sell kamas on the main Dofus website, just like