It´s late and i´m bored so to create something intressting.

What was your first computer?
Mine was:
386sx 25MHz
4 MB ram
40 MB harddrive
VGA card pci with 512KB (i later upgraded it to 1MB)
Sound galaxy NX (bought 4 month after i bought the computer)
Dos 5.0
The first computer I played on was the TRS-80 (affectionately called the Trash 80)
Sample of the Hardware:
The Model I combined the motherboard and keyboard into one unit, in what was to be a common case-design trend throughout the 8 and 16 bit microcomputer eras, although it had a separate power supply unit. It used a Zilog Z80 processor clocked at 1.77 MHz. The basic model originally shipped with 4 KiB of RAM, and later 16 KiB.
Look at that RAM baby...
Anyways, want to read more about this dinosaur.... CLICKY
"It is easier to be cruel than wise. The road to wisdom is long and difficult... so most people just turn out to be assholes" Feng (Christopher Walken)
Your argument is like a two legged dog with an eating disorder...weak and unbalanced.
Commodore 64
A Work in Progress.
Add Me
266mhz Pentium 2 (I think, it was a while ago)
32mb of RAM
5GB Hard Drive
433MHz Pentium III
~15GB hard drive
192mb RAM (upgraded)
DVD-ROM drive
3dfx Voodoo Banshee(graphics card)
That's pretty much all I can remember about it.
Life is full of choices--dont make RS one of em
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.
All I remember was that it had a Voodoo 3.
I remember it like it was yesterday.
Tandy 1000 EX
The Tandy 1000 EX was designed as an entry-level IBM compatible personal computer. The EX was a compact computer that had the keyboard and 5.25" drive built into the computer casing. The 5.25" drive was accessible from the side of the computer, on the right hand side. The EX was marketed as a starter system for people new to computing, and sold for $1000.00 from Radio Shack in December of 1986.
King's Quest was my favorite!
funny thing when the 386 's came out we sold it for 500 including the floppy games, the guy that brought it was tickled pink to get all the games with it, looked like a kid in a candy shop carring his treasure when he left.......
Commodore C 64, the brown and rounded one, not the ugly white and boxy one, this was 85 or 86.
Had a tape drive.
Sold it for about 50 Euro, nowadays that particular model is something of a collectors item I hear.
But if I stll had it I would never sell it.
Wasnt to long ago I downloaded a c64 emulator along with about half a million games and had trip down memory lane.
Originally posted by Jerek_
I wonder if you honestly even believe what you type, or if you live in a made up world of facts.
-for the overmind.
Commodore 64. My 1541 drive had it's heads all screwed up thanks to fat tracking and bad sectors, the common copy protection schemes of the time. The only way I could get it to work toward the end of it's life was to lie it on it's side. Eventually replaced it with the Ferrari of Commodore Drives: The Indus GT. WOOT!
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
233? Maybe 433Mhz Pentium
16-32 MB RAM
4gig (maybe lower lol) HHD
It's really hard to remember back then the specs, but I do know the OSes I had.
CPU: Advanced Z-80A 8-Bit Processor (2.03 MHz) Kits were sold to double this to 4Mhz
RAM: 4K - 48K
ROM: 4K ROM (Level I) or 14K ROM (Model III BASIC - co copyrighted by Tandy and Microsoft)
Video Display: Memory mapped with high-resolution 12" Black and White Integrated Monitor. Includes scroll protect with 96 text characters, 64 graphics characters and 160 "special" characters. Screen format for Level I and Model III BASIC is 64 characters by 16 lines. Model III BASIC also provides 32 characters by 16 lines. Graphics are 128x48.
Keyboard: Full-size "typewriter' style, 65-key integral keyboard includes 12-key numeric pad for data entry plus repeating keys. Model III BASIC includes upper and lower case.
I/O: Cassette Tape Recorder (250 Baud for Level I; 500/1500 Baud for Level II)
Ports: Computer-controlled cassette inferface, Parallel Printer interface, internal 25 pin RS-232-C (Serial) Port, Buffered Bus for adding 2 Internal and 2 external double-density 5 1/4-inch disk drives.
Power: Integral power supply of 105-130VAC @ 60 Hz. U.L. lited.
Dimensions: 12-1/2 x 18-7/8 x 21-1/2"
Optional Expansions:
Internal (2) and External (2) 5.25" Floppy Drives holding 178K each
Optional Hi-Res Graphics Board
Compatibility: Substantial Compatibility with the Model I (main incompatibility: Port vs. Memory address)
Got this computer when I turned 12
What a great source of entertainment that was.
Now with 57.3% more flames!
Played games like Ultima and Wizardry on it.
I missed my 6th grade graduation (1981) because of Ultima.... but I won.
Anyone else remember the game Miner 2049er?
386SX 16 Mhz
1 MB Ram
40 MB HDD Space
Single Speed CD drive(damn did that drive suck)
Didn't have any sound blaster card... used PC speaker.
MS-Dos 5.0 with Norten Commander. Remember I had to exit norten commander before running the games because there wouldn't be enough memory otherwise
Remember using it as a 3-4 yeared old... didn't know how to spell to man(I wanted to go the cdman directory) So I asked my mother, but of course she responded with mand, which is danish... didn't to play cdman before my dad came home
Usually played Dune 2, Battle of Britain(one of the very finest flight sims), Gorilla in Qbasic or Wolfenstein 3d.
Kind miss those good times :P