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1- GW isnt based on infinite grinding, is based in completing missions
2-GW have the best PVP sistem you`ll find in any other mmorpg
3-Only 1 pay and infinite game time
4-The AWSOME graphics
5-events every weekend
im like anyother mmorpg player, with a 280g of memory and 4g of ram
All WoW should take into consideration also.
1. The graphics are better than WoW becuase there human based and not cartoonie based!
2. Like siad above events every weekend! (Yay events!)
3. No more grinding! You actually have to have brains!
4. The game wont make you go crazy with the repetitivness!
5. PvP rules! Best PvP out there and im not just saying that becuase this is my favorit game. Im saying this becuase ive tried out both WoW and GW!
Stephan Moffett
If it is suppost to be free y has my account been deactivated and i gotta pay £50 to reactivate it

I might of agreed about the PvP thing pre burning blade expansion but not anymore.
The new honor system and arena are fantastic. The arena is instant ques and extremly competive with a ladder ranking system, its very well done. You compete with no just your server but your entire battle group, and all the top arena teams are very skilled Ive had some incredible games and really enjoying the arena system.
GW and WoW aren't the only MMOs around, you know?
And WoW's PvP is crap, so who really cares if GW's PvP is better than WoW's? You should try playing other games before saying those crappy comments.
Ultima Online 98~04
Dark Age of Camelot 03~07
Final Fantasy XI 04~06
Guild Wars 05~08
World of Warcraft 04~05
Unsuccessful Tries: DFO/EQ2/DRaja/Rag/Req/RYL/9D/Cabal/KO/PSU/RF/GE/TO/TR/DDO/EVE/LoTRO/L2/RZ/SWG/VG
Eh, I played both and didn't really get hooked to either.
GW: Not much skill PVP-wise. Find the hot trend of the month, copy/paste, win. Played from release to Factions. Did the whole Factions preview thing, didn't see enough new stuff, never looked back.
WoW: It was fun for a while, but grew tiresome(oh look, I'm apparently afraid of that gnome again).
Both are fine games, but I play way too much I guess and run out of content quickly. I'm currently playing Vanguard, I'm not sure why, but I am. Basically waiting for Warhammer, maybe AoC, but probably War.
Just my two cents.
Flame On!
I tried GW after few years of playing WoW. Didnt like it at all. Maybe GW has better graphics, but WoW is more fun to play
GW is awesome
Some people find all instanced combat a benefit to a MMO, to others it is a hassle. It's pure individual preference. I've never found the PVP to be boring, when done in moderation. Due to the "flavor of the month" builds that seem to pass through, playing for long stretches does seem to yield the same matchups. I admit to enjoying WSG in WoW over GW's PvP, although I have no idea why.
Comparing WoW's and GW's graphics is a uselss endeavor as they are completely different styles. It is, once again, a matter of personal preference. I do find both games to be excessively lacking in character customization, but at least GW allows armor dying.
MMO = Massively Multiplayer Online. GW has thousands of players online at the same time, able to interact with each other in towns. Diablo 2, while having thousands of players online at the same time, could not directly interact in that fashion (they had to start a game to do so). The instanced towns of GW are comparable to EQ2s in a way., and are a way to conserve your system's resources really.
Guild Wars PvP is definitely boring to those who dont understand it, so new players can be put off. It's at once simple, and incredibly complex. Once you have a little experience, and understand what the hell is going on, you realise that it is a system far beyond any other in terms of PvP - thanks to the players, in part. Limiting your skill-bar to 8 skills results in a system in which player-ability is the defining factor - its about making the right choices, using the tools you have to their maximum effect, reacting to situations. Stupid people fail at this game.
People who are used to WoW-style PvP will get ripped apart in GW - unless they learn.
one of the thing that i wanted to add is that the skills between classes are very well balanced, unlike other mmorpg, there are often the supreme class and the weaker ones. In Guild War, classes are very well balanced out. atleast i think that way ^^
i have a hunter by the way ^^
All I know is that both game's PvP is INFINITELY better than DAoC.
DAoC has, HANDS DOWN, the worst PvP ever made. I'd rather play PONG.
GW is an MMO? hmm, in wat respect? Its hard to call a game Massively Multiplayer when you can only interact with small groups at a time.
It is the least immersing MMO I have ever played hands down. The game is basically shadowbane with crappy pvp.
DAOC pvp sucks? It is still considered the top pvp game on the market, if DAOC had no montly fee it would by far surpass Guild Wars.
In 1 day I soloed level 1-20, after that I did some pvp and thought, well I'm done with this game, that was a waste of 50 dollars.
It just shows what the developers at is true. MMO players now are dumbed down and enjoy games that are as well, with less risk and smaller reward. I hate the new generation of gamers, hell If you guys are allowed to spout off about MMOs sucking with giving no real evidence then so can I.
Also another thing I couldn't stand, I was in some of the worst gear when I started Pvping and I almost never lost a group vs group match, I mean WTF? :P
*edit* P.S I mainly ranted because I found many of the posts insulting to players of almost every other MMO ^-^. My cats breath smells like cat food.
First you must give , only than you can take .
from what i've heard from people and i agree with them that calling GW a mmo isn't realy the right thing for it it actually turns some people off the game
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
Well, GW is as much an MMO as Diablo2 Closed B.Net was one...
Persistent Characters, reappearing Monsters, you teamed up in a Lobby, and went out on adventures on your own Server.
The only difference is that GWs Lobby is actually one with in-game Graphics, the Towns and outposts...
I wouldn't call it a MMORPG, but MORPG, it simply lacks the "Massive", you'll never see 40 People in some field, whacking monsters... That's what really turned me off the game, I didn't feel like I was in a World with other People... the heavy instancing, instant-teleporting around the world, always the exact same mobs in the exact same positions whenever I re-entered a Zone...
Also, there is only ONE SINGLE VALID Reason to play or not to play a game:
Ask yourself if you're having fun playing it. You don't? Stop Playing. You do? Keep Playing.
Simple as that...
1. When GW first came out, it may not have been about grinding, but somewhere along the line the developers forgot their original goal and introduced titles which are all about grinding. And once you complete the missions, what's next? You grind your way through pve titles or try your hand at pvp only to find out that you will not be accepted into top guilds or groups without grinding your way through pvp titles.
2. It's pvp system was good at first but now its horrible. Heroes Ascent is broken and dead. Random Arenas are a joke. GvG is dieing as well. Hero Battles are the most gimicky thing i ever seen.
3. You pay a value of 150$ for all three games so if you want to compare that to WoW, you buy WoW for 40$ at the store, and get a month free so thats 25$. So if WoW is at 15$ dollars a month, you have to play Guild Wars for at least about 8 months to actually get everything out of the money you spend.
4. The graphics are not that awesome and are ok at best.
5.Their weekend events are lame at most. Every weekend they have the (insert name here) double event which is nothing special. Sure it may be fun for a while but you quickly stop caring about them.
If you hate grinding its definately a good game for you. I would say that GW's PVP is only second best to DAoC, but still very very fun. Price is definately a plus as well.
"God, please help us sinful children of Ivalice.."
Hmm. Okay. I do agree that Guild Wars DOES have nice Graphics, but Blizzard's style is really neat, especially with the Blood Elves and Draeni
. Plus, Blizzards Lore is much more complex and you can play as Many different Races. I've heard really bad s.h.i.t from both sides of the competition claiming WoW>GW or WoW<GW. But Personally:
1. World of Warcraft has smooth, loveable graphics and great lighting effects.
2. World of Warcraft's towns aren't all instanced.
3. World of Warcraft has More Races.
4. World of Warcraft has a better Lore.
5. WoW has better dungeons
5. Only thing GW beats: WoW is really too much of a Price to Play. Especially since you have to have "A Perfect Computer" to play.
But really, I love em' both ^^. I test played GW during some festival when people were allowed to join the game as Guests and Celebrate.
1 its cell shaded, it you like playing toy town on acid, then its the best
2 do you see that many ppl in the rarer parts of the game, no not that many.
3 yer is has some more reaces, 2 of which was made up, on the last add on, and many ppl did,t like
4 GW has a ver y good story line, and the game follows it all the way though, wow lacks a real good story line
5 i do think wow has better dungeons, and agree on this one
5 again lol,,gw runs fine on my old pc,
so to sum it up realy, if you like gw,s then play it, if you like wow, then play that,
but to say wow pvp is the best, ,the best ques, i waited hours on the alliance, 10 to 19, is the twinks area,s only, rouges that pay for 3 times the hp,and dps,, that a noob can aford is not pvp, and grinding for 5 weeks in 1 instance to get a good wepon aint great,
and to add to that , gw may be instances, but all thats in stv, and places like that is gold bots,
its very hard to say what is better, wow, is based at a younger market, and the pwnage boys like it, there both very good games, and i enjoy them both,