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Since i cant rate yet, i take my opinions here.

woodoowoodoo Member Posts: 10
When i read the rating lists comments about this game it felt like many of thous who rated this game wasent realy old gamers from it.

Me in other hand (exuse me if i dident saw other old gamers as well) is one of the oldest gamer to flyff.

Started playing the game the first week it got out as an tryal.

Yeah it was okay that time but that tryal version ended with overun by hackers and exuse my language,

idiots that abused aoe mobs to keep them alive while not realy hitting them inside of vagrant towns (beginners town) to massive killing low lvld players.

The new gm that had bin reqruited by the staffs then sad they had to close the tryal version down cues of the massiv prolems but also cues the trial version was over for the moment and they had to build up the real version and a new webbsite.

This was in august 2005 and stayed thill the end of november and beginning of december.

YAY evryone though when it started up again that year, not many old gamers that came back though. Yeah it seemed greate..

Like many sad in the rating comments, yes! there where and still are a load of idiots that only learn 3 sentences in this game:
  • Buff me pls/plox/plizz/plix
  • Plvl me pls/plox/plizz/plix
  • Ress me pls/plox/plizz/plix

Also this use to exist:

-Give me money/item!



I think when u play a english based game,

even if u have spelling flaws (like me) u still shall be abel to at least write in english if u whant to be unerstanded.

Take for example this BR or CECZ like many other did in the rate coments.

All they care bout to learn to write in english is what i wrote in top.

Yeah i know some few people in the mass off idiots (exuse me) are abel to communicate as a normal person should be.

But like im saying, sure ur english will maybe suck realy bad but as long as u only write "buff plix" no one still whant to talk to u as long as it dosent speake same language as your self.

Okay that was the behaviur i was gone pin point.

Now to the worst part in the game that will forever be:

The game masters them selves.

Some say that evrything changed cues of the oldest gm quitted that was called/named Chris,

but i think this was on already from the beginning.

The game masters dont help:
  • Hacked players.
  • Scammed players.
  • Abused players.
The game master dont:
  • Mute spammers (they offichely told in the beginning that they would do this if it was needed).
  • Take hacking warnings serius.
  • Follow their own garanties they are offichely telling that they are going to do if something happens.
My self and many friends of mine have bin witnessing their total ignorance to this.

Friends of mine has getting banned for" lvling to fast", yes its true!

Friends of mine has bin hacked and the game masters NEVER took anything of this serius and ignored them without any help.

My self has bin hacked over 5 times none of that times has bin taken serius and ignored evrytime.

I have 2 account witch one of them is still unsecure since my idiot to friend forgotten the pass to change pass on it (we made it together but i got it after he dident whant it) and the game master still ignoring me to be abel to change the pass for it.

Yeah it unerstandebel if i cant proove its my own acc cues that idiot to friend but still.

That hacker stole over 200mill penya from me in items and the gms is still ignoring me.

All i whant to say is this..

This is a good game IF:

You never will get hacked, call the gms?

Forget it they wount help!

You never get scammed, call the gms?

Forget it!

As long as u never get in troubble in the game u will have a blast but the first time some one start to mess with ur acc or your char with hacking or scamming, sorry but they wount help.

So keep ur acc clean, save all detales that is importent, screen shot maybe but after all my own experience that dont use to work some times as well..

And yes i know i have bad spelling some times but i just needed u to know this if u dident already knew.

Thanks for listening


  • ergeerge Member Posts: 16
    I agree to all that you had said about FlyFF. As for the buff plz.../ress plz/... I hear it every time I used to play with my ringmaster and it was very annoying when you were with you're partner healing him and suddenly someone comes and wants to buff him .
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