As a fellow player, I can say that once I was about lvl 20 it was fun. But working you're way up is'nt easy. Once you get there you can do just about all the quests but when you finish them, there's nothing to do and the game soon grows boring. Runescape isn't a bad game to play, but unless you are a diehard gamer, then the game will grow boring

Wut ur saying its not completely right...
1st: at lvl 20 u cant even do 10 of the non-member quests
2nd: At lvl 20 u actually start having fun at game...stuff is much easier...u start hiting decently..and cme on...its easy to raise lvl till about lvl 60
3rd: im lvl 83 at it (search Tmeyer1993) non member.. and now it does bcme boring bcoz its too repetitive...bcmin a member for 5$ is cheap...and u enjoy it believe me.. and after all its not an addicting game
(?.? (?. MEAT_BAG0 .?) ?.?)
btw wut the other guy said its true...its a way of wasting time...but its not a good think for head u know =D dont play runescape while at school... i almost risk biology =D hehe (no adict dont critize asshole =P)
My MSN? That would be [email protected]
At my school they have it blocked. I tried back when I played like everynight.
when you join a will feel something new. is wonderfull.!