They make it real easy for them to get their hands on your money but real hard to stop them it seems. Last fall when I tried to cancel it asked me my secret question that I had entered way back in SWG beta, simple enough "where were you born?" so I typed in the name of my home town..WRONG...ok maybe I had a typo so try again ...WRONG.....ok all caps this time..... WRONG!...all lower case maybe ....WRONG. So I look up SOE CS, ooops they were closed and it is a long distance number to boot grrrrrrrr. So I dialed 1-800- credit card company open 24 and 7. In less than 5 minutes they canceled my old credit card account and started a new one with a different number and mailed me my new card which I recieved 3 days later. Emailed SOE to tell them what I had done and problem solved.
Originally posted by Greek_Matt
Seems like you've exhausted all the (not particularly demanding or difficult) options open to you... which then leaves you with one simple, foolproof solution: Pay The Month's Sub And Maybe Next Time You'll Remember To Write Down Your Password, You Tool. Think of it as an investment in your future organisation skills.
I assume either you are joking or you are a SIgil/SOE employee. If you are a SOE employee I realize you guys are desperate but that takes the cake
Would really suck if someone got hold of my account and tried to change all my info around. They should put in some kind of security feature that required information outside of my login name and password, like a secret question that only I would know so that no one could jack my account.
Are you normally this dramatic or is it just VG that brings it out of you? Is it VG or is it SOE that has set you on this crusade? I just don't understand why you have all of this negativety over a video game; why do you get yourself so worked up over something so trivial.
gee but someone could get hold of your login and spend all sorts of money, sign you up for every game and purchase every product on their site using nothing but your login, your password, and a credit card number, however to cancel they need the ~drum roll~ secret word, why not just use the account name and password or even type in the credit card number if they want to add a bit of security. Why not make the CS for billing a toll free number at least? I know marketing, I know business. Ever hear of the Gruen Effect or threshold resistance ? In simple terms make it easy to get in and hard to get out for your product or service. Simple psychology really, the theory has been around for years.
A good every day example are Mall parking lots, the people coming in rarely have to stop for a stop sign in a well designed lot, however when you get ready to leave guess what, you will have to yield right of way to the people entering. That is for traffic purposes to avoid backups on the streets also, however that is not the only reason.
No Farlic, I was just answering the OP 's original question on how he could cancel without his ~drum roll~ secret question or running up a long distance telephone bill. Now do you always get so worked up about every poster, or just me?
So I start my morning off with a series of muscles in my neck and back locking and causing a god awfull amount of pain so I already know how my day is going to be. Miserable.
That being said, Jack you are the single biggest ass I have seen post on any forum. You are a grade A loser who finds every little mundane thing associated with SOE or VG to twist and turn into some world destroying catastrophy. It's a security feature you moron, get over it and yourself.
Coming to these boards is turning into an excercise in self mutilation, like sodomising yourself with a 2x4 just because you can't help it.
I have a reason for my miserable ass attitudes jack, how bout you.
This shows the level of people leaving the game, can’t remember their secret password. Way are you leaving? Game too confusing?
Anddddd hopefully you do not represent the level of people staying??? Next time troll the troll's threads, this guy had a question he needed answered, not a request for a useless Vanboi-esque insult. Good job though it looks like you put a lot of thought into it!
You have some good points there. Not to sure how a question like this posted on a 3rd party site is to go. In his statement it sounds like he covered everything, he basically answered his own questions. I agree I’m poking fun but what are we to do? Why not post this question on the Station site? I can’t help someone remember their own password and I can’t open a call center when it is closed. It kinda sounds like he was asking to be made fun of, just like anyone else.
i posted here to get help, and i known this site longer then sony forum, so probly the reason why i posted here. anyway i guess i have to pay the next supscription, i dont wanna block my card and get my EQ2 and Vangaurd accounts banned, if i ever get the need to play em again.
oh yere thxs to thoes who where trying to help
@ Sorrowwho- Follow the credit card cancel route up with a email to SOE CS as the previous poster suggested, tell them you need your ~drum roll~ secret password reset before you can start your account back up. Five bucks says your account will not be banned because they are always ready to get back into your pockets. But don't keep paying for a POS you don't enjoy, that is not right.
@ Farlic don't assume I am a SOE hater as you guys like to call em. I have no love for old Smedly and a lot of his descisions are just plain stupid in my opinion, however I always did like EQII. I played EQII from beta all the way through last November and had a Station Access account for an occasional SWG bout until they raised the price last summer up to 24.95. On a side note I can't believe they raised the price again this soon, at this rate it will be 50 a month before the end of the year. Anyway I would still be playing EQII if I had not gotten in the LoTRO beta and decided I needed a change of pace. I still may play EQII again, can't never tell. I may even give Vanguard another look when they offfer a free trial which by the looks of things won't be too far off now.
This shows the level of people leaving the game, can’t remember their secret password. Way are you leaving? Game too confusing?
Anddddd hopefully you do not represent the level of people staying??? Next time troll the troll's threads, this guy had a question he needed answered, not a request for a useless Vanboi-esque insult. Good job though it looks like you put a lot of thought into it!
You have some good points there. Not to sure how a question like this posted on a 3rd party site is to go. In his statement it sounds like he covered everything, he basically answered his own questions. I agree I’m poking fun but what are we to do? Why not post this question on the Station site? I can’t help someone remember their own password and I can’t open a call center when it is closed. It kinda sounds like he was asking to be made fun of, just like anyone else.
i posted here to get help, and i known this site longer then sony forum, so probly the reason why i posted here. anyway i guess i have to pay the next supscription, i dont wanna block my card and get my EQ2 and Vangaurd accounts banned, if i ever get the need to play em again.
oh yere thxs to thoes who where trying to help
@ Sorrowwho- Follow the credit card cancel route up with a email to SOE CS as the previous poster suggested, tell them you need your ~drum roll~ secret password reset before you can start your account back up. Five bucks says your account will not be banned because they are always ready to get back into your pockets. But don't keep paying for a POS you don't enjoy, that is not right.
thxs i must have missed that, but if i choose to cancel my credit card i have to pay for a new one at my bank, i guess i just pay for it this month
@ Sorrowwho- Follow the credit card cancel route up with a email to SOE CS as the previous poster suggested, tell them you need your ~drum roll~ secret password reset before you can start your account back up. Five bucks says your account will not be banned because they are always ready to get back into your pockets. But don't keep paying for a POS you don't enjoy, that is not right. thxs i must have missed that, but if i choose to cancel my credit card i have to pay for a new one at my bank, i guess i just pay for it this month
Pay for a new credit card at your bank ? Dunno what credit card and bank you use but on mine I called the 1-800 number which is toll free, and open 24 and 7, explained I had a recurring charge that I wanted to stop , they changed the number and sent me a new card in the mail free of charge. Did not cost me a dime and took maybe ten minutes. I had the new card in my hand within 3 days. Can you really afford a recurring charge in your card for 15 dollars ever month for the rest of your life for a game you don't like or play ? That's up to you ~ shrug~
Don't they have some sort of "Oh I forgot my secret question" thing, that will email the answer to whatever email address you signed up with?
Apart from that, I would email the billing dept... or phone them if that is cost effective for you... I am in Australia, so I can understand if that is not feasible.
He is right, you do NEED the answer to the question to cancel...
I didn't.
I started VG, clicked My Account, entered id/password, clicked Cancel Subscription.
Actually I had to Chat with Cust Support since the account screen never showed the Acccount Status as Cancelled no matter how many times I clicked Cancel. But the person on the chat was nice and confirmed it was cancelled.
Don't they have some sort of "Oh I forgot my secret question" thing, that will email the answer to whatever email address you signed up with?
Apart from that, I would email the billing dept... or phone them if that is cost effective for you... I am in Australia, so I can understand if that is not feasible.
He is right, you do NEED the answer to the question to cancel...
I didn't.
I started VG, clicked My Account, entered id/password, clicked Cancel Subscription.
Actually I had to Chat with Cust Support since the account screen never showed the Acccount Status as Cancelled no matter how many times I clicked Cancel. But the person on the chat was nice and confirmed it was cancelled.
In EQII all the cancel screen does is takes you to the account page where you have to enter the secret word to edit the account info. Bottom line is make sure you write down the ~secret word~ ( god I love that phrase) in your game manual or somewhere including proper case. Just in case you decide it sucks.
Seems like you've exhausted all the (not particularly demanding or difficult) options open to you... which then leaves you with one simple, foolproof solution: Pay The Month's Sub And Maybe Next Time You'll Remember To Write Down Your Password, You Tool. Think of it as an investment in your future organisation skills.
I assume either you are joking or you are a SIgil/SOE employee. If you are a SOE employee I realize you guys are desperate but that takes the cake
I am neither joking, nor am I a Sigil/SOE employee... in fact I'm one of the many who bought Vanguard and has since cancelled their subscription (without any difficulty). I was commenting on the fact that this idiot (and you, according to your own personal anecdote) can't keep track of his own passwords and then leaves it to the very last minute to do something about it, then has to go to ridiculous lengths to resolve a problem entirely of his own making. Blame SOE, blame Evil Corporations, blame whoever you want... if you can't manage to clear the StupidProof hurdle that says a lot more about you than about anyone else Jackdog.
Seems like you've exhausted all the (not particularly demanding or difficult) options open to you... which then leaves you with one simple, foolproof solution: Pay The Month's Sub And Maybe Next Time You'll Remember To Write Down Your Password, You Tool. Think of it as an investment in your future organisation skills.
I assume either you are joking or you are a SIgil/SOE employee. If you are a SOE employee I realize you guys are desperate but that takes the cake
I am neither joking, nor am I a Sigil/SOE employee... in fact I'm one of the many who bought Vanguard and has since cancelled their subscription (without any difficulty). I was commenting on the fact that this idiot (and you, according to your own personal anecdote) can't keep track of his own passwords and then leaves it to the very last minute to do something about it, then has to go to ridiculous lengths to resolve a problem entirely of his own making. Blame SOE, blame Evil Corporations, blame whoever you want... if you can't manage to clear the StupidProof hurdle that says a lot more about you than about anyone else Jackdog.
wow you sure seem to have some issues dude, might want to calm down a bit since this just a game we are discussing and not a very good game at that. I was just trying to help the guy so he could easily cancel without sitting on hold to a long distance telephone number for hours.
Try reading my first post. First of all I had entered that ~secret password~ way back in the days of SWG beta, secondly all it was was my hometown, not something that you are likely to forget. So I typed it in capital first letter lower case for the rest, then all lower case then all upper case I tried it each way 2 or 3 times to ensure I did not have a typo. Also where did I say I waited till the last minute? I just was not about to sit on the telephone on hold incurring long distance fees in order to cancel because SOE's database had garbled my data. I figure it was just another bug
Edit - But I have to agree with you that it seems as if most people who bought Vanguard are not having any problem canceling
@ Sorrowwho- Follow the credit card cancel route up with a email to SOE CS as the previous poster suggested, tell them you need your ~drum roll~ secret password reset before you can start your account back up. Five bucks says your account will not be banned because they are always ready to get back into your pockets. But don't keep paying for a POS you don't enjoy, that is not right. thxs i must have missed that, but if i choose to cancel my credit card i have to pay for a new one at my bank, i guess i just pay for it this month
Pay for a new credit card at your bank ? Dunno what credit card and bank you use but on mine I called the 1-800 number which is toll free, and open 24 and 7, explained I had a recurring charge that I wanted to stop , they changed the number and sent me a new card in the mail free of charge. Did not cost me a dime and took maybe ten minutes. I had the new card in my hand within 3 days. Can you really afford a recurring charge in your card for 15 dollars ever month for the rest of your life for a game you don't like or play ? That's up to you ~ shrug~
first time i cancled my credit card it took em 1 month before i could get a new one, and they charged me about 15 dollers, sure im not gonna pay for the account the rest off my life i just cancel it today... anyway they billed me today
I assume either you are joking or you are a SIgil/SOE employee. If you are a SOE employee I realize you guys are desperate but that takes the cake
Would really suck if someone got hold of my account and tried to change all my info around. They should put in some kind of security feature that required information outside of my login name and password, like a secret question that only I would know so that no one could jack my account.
Are you normally this dramatic or is it just VG that brings it out of you? Is it VG or is it SOE that has set you on this crusade? I just don't understand why you have all of this negativety over a video game; why do you get yourself so worked up over something so trivial.
gee but someone could get hold of your login and spend all sorts of money, sign you up for every game and purchase every product on their site using nothing but your login, your password, and a credit card number, however to cancel they need the ~drum roll~ secret word, why not just use the account name and password or even type in the credit card number if they want to add a bit of security. Why not make the CS for billing a toll free number at least? I know marketing, I know business. Ever hear of the Gruen Effect or threshold resistance ? In simple terms make it easy to get in and hard to get out for your product or service. Simple psychology really, the theory has been around for years.
A good every day example are Mall parking lots, the people coming in rarely have to stop for a stop sign in a well designed lot, however when you get ready to leave guess what, you will have to yield right of way to the people entering. That is for traffic purposes to avoid backups on the streets also, however that is not the only reason.
No Farlic, I was just answering the OP 's original question on how he could cancel without his ~drum roll~ secret question or running up a long distance telephone bill. Now do you always get so worked up about every poster, or just me?
So I start my morning off with a series of muscles in my neck and back locking and causing a god awfull amount of pain so I already know how my day is going to be. Miserable.
That being said, Jack you are the single biggest ass I have seen post on any forum. You are a grade A loser who finds every little mundane thing associated with SOE or VG to twist and turn into some world destroying catastrophy. It's a security feature you moron, get over it and yourself.
Coming to these boards is turning into an excercise in self mutilation, like sodomising yourself with a 2x4 just because you can't help it.
I have a reason for my miserable ass attitudes jack, how bout you.
Anddddd hopefully you do not represent the level of people staying??? Next time troll the troll's threads, this guy had a question he needed answered, not a request for a useless Vanboi-esque insult. Good job though it looks like you put a lot of thought into it!
You have some good points there. Not to sure how a question like this posted on a 3rd party site is to go. In his statement it sounds like he covered everything, he basically answered his own questions. I agree I’m poking fun but what are we to do? Why not post this question on the Station site? I can’t help someone remember their own password and I can’t open a call center when it is closed. It kinda sounds like he was asking to be made fun of, just like anyone else.
oh yere thxs to thoes who where trying to help
@ Sorrowwho- Follow the credit card cancel route up with a email to SOE CS as the previous poster suggested, tell them you need your ~drum roll~ secret password reset before you can start your account back up. Five bucks says your account will not be banned because they are always ready to get back into your pockets. But don't keep paying for a POS you don't enjoy, that is not right.
@ Farlic don't assume I am a SOE hater as you guys like to call em. I have no love for old Smedly and a lot of his descisions are just plain stupid in my opinion, however I always did like EQII. I played EQII from beta all the way through last November and had a Station Access account for an occasional SWG bout until they raised the price last summer up to 24.95. On a side note I can't believe they raised the price again this soon, at this rate it will be 50 a month before the end of the year. Anyway I would still be playing EQII if I had not gotten in the LoTRO beta and decided I needed a change of pace. I still may play EQII again, can't never tell. I may even give Vanguard another look when they offfer a free trial which by the looks of things won't be too far off now.
I miss DAoC
Anddddd hopefully you do not represent the level of people staying??? Next time troll the troll's threads, this guy had a question he needed answered, not a request for a useless Vanboi-esque insult. Good job though it looks like you put a lot of thought into it!
You have some good points there. Not to sure how a question like this posted on a 3rd party site is to go. In his statement it sounds like he covered everything, he basically answered his own questions. I agree I’m poking fun but what are we to do? Why not post this question on the Station site? I can’t help someone remember their own password and I can’t open a call center when it is closed. It kinda sounds like he was asking to be made fun of, just like anyone else.
oh yere thxs to thoes who where trying to help
@ Sorrowwho- Follow the credit card cancel route up with a email to SOE CS as the previous poster suggested, tell them you need your ~drum roll~ secret password reset before you can start your account back up. Five bucks says your account will not be banned because they are always ready to get back into your pockets. But don't keep paying for a POS you don't enjoy, that is not right.
thxs i must have missed that, but if i choose to cancel my credit card i have to pay for a new one at my bank, i guess i just pay for it this month
I miss DAoC
I started VG, clicked My Account, entered id/password, clicked Cancel Subscription.
Actually I had to Chat with Cust Support since the account screen never showed the Acccount Status as Cancelled no matter how many times I clicked Cancel. But the person on the chat was nice and confirmed it was cancelled.
I started VG, clicked My Account, entered id/password, clicked Cancel Subscription.
Actually I had to Chat with Cust Support since the account screen never showed the Acccount Status as Cancelled no matter how many times I clicked Cancel. But the person on the chat was nice and confirmed it was cancelled.
In EQII all the cancel screen does is takes you to the account page where you have to enter the secret word to edit the account info. Bottom line is make sure you write down the ~secret word~ ( god I love that phrase) in your game manual or somewhere including proper case. Just in case you decide it sucks.
I miss DAoC
I am neither joking, nor am I a Sigil/SOE employee... in fact I'm one of the many who bought Vanguard and has since cancelled their subscription (without any difficulty). I was commenting on the fact that this idiot (and you, according to your own personal anecdote) can't keep track of his own passwords and then leaves it to the very last minute to do something about it, then has to go to ridiculous lengths to resolve a problem entirely of his own making. Blame SOE, blame Evil Corporations, blame whoever you want... if you can't manage to clear the StupidProof hurdle that says a lot more about you than about anyone else Jackdog.
I am neither joking, nor am I a Sigil/SOE employee... in fact I'm one of the many who bought Vanguard and has since cancelled their subscription (without any difficulty). I was commenting on the fact that this idiot (and you, according to your own personal anecdote) can't keep track of his own passwords and then leaves it to the very last minute to do something about it, then has to go to ridiculous lengths to resolve a problem entirely of his own making. Blame SOE, blame Evil Corporations, blame whoever you want... if you can't manage to clear the StupidProof hurdle that says a lot more about you than about anyone else Jackdog.
wow you sure seem to have some issues dude, might want to calm down a bit since this just a game we are discussing and not a very good game at that. I was just trying to help the guy so he could easily cancel without sitting on hold to a long distance telephone number for hours.
Try reading my first post. First of all I had entered that ~secret password~ way back in the days of SWG beta, secondly all it was was my hometown, not something that you are likely to forget. So I typed it in capital first letter lower case for the rest, then all lower case then all upper case I tried it each way 2 or 3 times to ensure I did not have a typo. Also where did I say I waited till the last minute? I just was not about to sit on the telephone on hold incurring long distance fees in order to cancel because SOE's database had garbled my data. I figure it was just another bug
Edit - But I have to agree with you that it seems as if most people who bought Vanguard are not having any problem canceling
I miss DAoC
first time i cancled my credit card it took em 1 month before i could get a new one, and they charged me about 15 dollers, sure im not gonna pay for the account the rest off my life i just cancel it today... anyway they billed me today
edited because it just does not matter
I miss DAoC