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Only in America (or, come to think of it, maybe Britain) could this moronic criminal actually have a chance to be win a lawsuit because he was hurt while running from the cops. Poor Baby.
I hate it when people try to defend scum like this by saying he was only speeding or only ran a red light not like he robbed a bank or something. He broke the law and then refused to pull over and accept responsibility for that choice. More people die or get injured in car accidents caused by speeding and running red lights than bank robberies, yet people treat them like they are lesser crimes and the police should not enforce them if you run. If you commit a crime and you or someone else is hurt in the commission that crime you are the one responsible not the cops who were trying to stop you.
When he a had a case here in Oklahoma just recently where a cop started a lengthy pursuit through the city on a guy that was speeding and the cop was killed when a truck ran a red light at an intersection and caused the cop to hit a tree killing him. Since they couldnt find the truck they prosecuted the speeder for murder. And successfully got a conviction. It was the cop's fault. I know its sad to say but the cop shouldnt have pursued the guy. Run the tag, if the vehicle isnt stolen follow up later. No muss no fuss.
"Sorry son, I know your dad was ran over because we pursued a speeder, but hey take solace in knowing the speeder didnt have any cocaine in his trunk." Yah that will be a good thing huh?
What's next? You want cops to be able to just come in your home without any kind of probable cause to search it? Speeding doesnt give a cop probable cause. And 9 times out of 10 they wont search a car that was speeding. Just drop a ticket in the moron's lap and look for the next idiot.
If you don't have an argument run towards fear. Fear of those horrible druggies, or terrorists, or child molesters. I'm glad the world is nowhere near as bad as you neo-cons try to persuade us into believing it is.
Stop with the Fox News fear mongering already. It's getting old and it doesn't seem to be winning you guys elections anymore.
Oh, btw. BOO!!! LOL!!!!
If the car you're trying to stop for a minor offence then tries to escape, I don't think it's unreasonable for the police to be suspicious of the driver. Trying to flee the police in a high speed chase already stacks up a couple more offences against you if I'm not mistaken. If the person in the fleeing vehicle is injured in the persuit, it would be unreasonable to try to lay the blame on the police.
Having said that, police should always try avoid a high speed chase whenever possible - they're just too dangerous for all concerned not to mention other traffic and bystanders. Also, going into a high speed chase can not and must not automatically give the police licence to use any kind of force, and in cases where the police are shown to go over the top in chase situations, of course there should be a come back on the police involved - although I'm not sure that should come directly from the injured party.
The issues of how big the crime was I would see as irrelevant. It can not be the job of the police to act as judge and executioner. They should be trying to apprehend the person in the same way whether they've run a red light or are a mass murderer.
No wonder the police forces in my area are begging for more poeple to joint he force. This is all related, the lack of cops, doctors, nurses, fire fighters, and teachers. Nobody wants to be one because the court system is fucked up and people lack RESPECT for these people just doing their jobs.
Oh yeah, lets become a cop. But just remember, dont chase anybody or try to arrest them because if they get injured in the process, you the OFFICER can GET SUED.
I usually dont agree to the extent on issues as Outfctrl does, but on this one I totally agree with him.
This reminds me of the illegal immigrant drug smuggler,who for the 2nd time tried smuggling drugs from Mexico.Border police shot him in the butt and now hes sueing us for 5,000,000.
Anyways,i really hope they dont give this clown any money.The police officer was doing his job.If the goverment cant protect the people who try and uphold are laws and protect the innocent then you might as well give up on America.
Oh and [quote]The nocturnal chase began near Atlanta after a deputy sheriff clocked Victor Harris driving 73 miles per hour in a 55 mph zone and turned on the siren. Harris sped off, weaving past other cars and going through red lights.[/quote]
Going 73mph in a 55mph zone is fucken moronic and dangerous to the lives and others.Of couse a cop's gonna chase him before this guy kills himself and someone else.
EDIT: For further clarification before you pull a stupid "popular doesn't mean it's not bad" line: this is not dangerous.
EDIT 2: As a matter of fact, it is far more dangerous if there is some granny going 43 in the "55 zone".
"Kaneda! you see?"
Running from the cops warrants being crippled for life?
In Iran if you steal something, they cut off your hand.
That is just what I get from my discussion with police.
Oh and the reason? If a guy is running from the police, then they likely have a warrent on their ass. If they have a warrent on their ass, then they will likely be caught later.
Now that is just a rational opinion, I guess you could be a liberal and think emotionally and say "But they got away! I want justice now!!!!"
--When you resubscribe to SWG, an 18 yearold Stripper finds Jesus, gives up stripping, and moves with a rolex reverend to Hawaii.
--In MMORPG's l007 is the opiate of the masses.
--The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence!
--CCP could cut off an Eve player's fun bits, and that player would say that it was good CCP did that.
Major Ditto's to you, Outfctrl? From the realm of freedom. A place you should quit fearing and visit someday!
Realm of Freedom? Are you from fantasy land by chance?
I cannot wait until you get your wish and there are no cops anywhere. Then you will know true fear my friend. It's coming just look at all the open jobs in law enforcement.
Go ahead sing "La la la I am free" but when the piper comes for his dues I would suggest not wetting your pants friend.
Don't be terrorized! You're more likely to die of a car accident, drowning, fire, or murder! More people die every year from prescription drugs than terrorism LOL!
Lets look at it. Try to see both sides.
1) Cop gets a speeder that runs. He runs the tag and it comes back clean so he lets the guy go. A few days later the guy is picked up during a warrant sweep for running. Charged with Speeding, reckless driving, and evasion. He gets 5 years and will never speed again. No one is hurt or killed and its all done.
2) Cop gets a speeder that runs. He starts a pursuit. During which each intersection and motorist is at severe risk of injury death. Guy finally crashes (Most high speed pursuits end in a crash or have a crash in them somewhere) and the pursuit is over. A few civilians most likely injured and guy gets sent to prison for the same charges....
Which would you honestly prefer to happen? Nice clean pick up later without major risks to live and limb of civilians or stop then most likely injuring or killing several people?
Speeding does NOT warrant a pursuit. If there are other factors then yes pursue. Stolen car, leaving the scene of a crime, etc. Go for it. Run that bastard down and gut him like a fish. But for speeding? Might as well start allowing cops to shoot shoplifters and petty thieves who are unarmed and pose no threat.
EDIT: For further clarification before you pull a stupid "popular doesn't mean it's not bad" line: this is not dangerous.
EDIT 2: As a matter of fact, it is far more dangerous if there is some granny going 43 in the "55 zone". I'm glad you got your facts straight Ace. I think you got confused by your hearsay and facts. The fact is: the faster you go, the higher the risk of accident regardless of speed limit. Just google it, you will get 1000's of studies, literally.
The real dilemna is not whether someone evading the police should be chased, it is by what means should the police use. Unfortunately, most police chases do not have the option to bring in more sophisticated means such as helicopters and planes, or simply don't have them. Sadly, once someone evades a routine pull-over, the police have to assume the worst. They cannot "hope for the best."
Cops have too much power and authority as it is. I have witnessed way to many situations that prove to me that cops think they are above the law. We would have a better world with no cops than what we have in place now.
They pull people over that are just walking down the street with no probable cause.
They drive at speeds of over 140mph in non-emergency situations. Hell they dont even obey traffic laws themselves in non-emergency situations.
Cops use excessive force. An elderly asian woman was shot and killed when cops heard a conversation in a foriegn language that sounded like an argument coming form an apartment in San Jose. When they entered the house (without any neighborly complaints) the elderly lady was peeling vegitables with a vegitable peeler while telling them to get out of her house. She did not speak english. They did not understand and though she was attacking them. She died.
I have no respect for authority that does not live by laws they are sworn to protect.