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1)how many caractor slots do i get in an account?

2)can i have both a light-side kedi and a dark-side jedi on same account?

3)is there a real chance i can still be a role-player or is this game focusing more on pvp and fighting?

4)is there any good crafting like cloths,weapons?

5)can you custumize your weapons,cloths andother things?

6)what is the max. level?

7)what is the game price and whats the monthly fee?

8)how often do chapters come up?

9)what planets are avable and are there any plans to add more planets?


  • DeadJesterDeadJester Member Posts: 499
    I loved SWG and the ?  is will SWG even last ? answer No. This game is dead no 1 plays any more , and good luck to You that still play or are just starting out.
  • noob-gamernoob-gamer Member Posts: 81
    are ther any plans to put out a sequel that is any good
  • Realm-ReaperRealm-Reaper Member Posts: 501
    Originally posted by noob-gamer

    1)how many caractor slots do i get in an account?
    Two Per server...Per account
    2)can i have both a light-side kedi and a dark-side jedi on same account?
    3)is there a real chance i can still be a role-player or is this game focusing more on pvp and fighting?
    4)is there any good crafting like cloths,weapons?
    Publish 5 will be nice for all crafters
    5)can you custumize your weapons,cloths andother things? some extent
    6)what is the max. level?
    7)what is the game price and whats the monthly fee?
    15.00 usd
    8)how often do chapters come up?
    every 2 months
    9)what planets are avable and are there any plans to add more planets?
    Tat, Musty, Dant, Naboo, Rori, Corella, Kash, Dath, Y-4, Lok, Endor, Talus....No plans for expansion but rumor is Hoth and Dagobah may be in the future.
  • ObraikObraik Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 7,261
    Originally posted by noob-gamer

    1)how many caractor slots do i get in an account?
    2 per server, although you have 8 characters on one account (the other 6 would need to be spread out on other servers)
    2)can i have both a light-side kedi and a dark-side jedi on same account?
    3)is there a real chance i can still be a role-player or is this game focusing more on pvp and fighting?
    You can play however you like.  For roleplaying, I suggest Starsider.
    4)is there any good crafting like cloths,weapons?
    You can craft almost everything in the game.  Alot of things can only be bought from crafters.
    5)can you custumize your weapons,cloths andother things?
    You can't really change the look of a weapon, but there are a good assortment to choose from.  Clothing & Armour have like a billion different colour combinations.
    6)what is the max. level?
    7)what is the game price and whats the monthly fee?
    I think it's US$30 for the all in one pack.  Costs $15 a month.
    8)how often do chapters come up?
    Every 2-3 months roughly.  There are inbetween additions, but they're generally not major features.
    9)what planets are avable and are there any plans to add more planets?
    There are 11 planets and 8 space sectors.  Generally, expansions include new planets and/or space sectors.  No official word that there is an expansion on the way, but being SOE it is assumed so.



  • noob-gamernoob-gamer Member Posts: 81
    i forgot to ask this before but what are the races and professions
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