This place USED to be good a year or so ago, then they started to get majorly greedy, it is a waste of time now unless you like to just 'pay to play' for a certain amount of time until your 'funds' run out.
Everything cost and they give you the 'spin' that you can make money at it. This is crap, you will be extremely lucky if you can even 'break even'
There is no monthly fee but there is no decent way to get money unless you start begging, and without money yiu can do nothing.
So if you want to pay a couple 100 dollars for 30 minutes of play have at it.
I quit after droping a wad there and most my firend have learnt the lesson now also..even the die hard ones.
An never get crap back except grief..You sound like you deserve the place...
Your reply is so BS. If you are a hardcore gamer in EU, you would know that you could loose 100us$ in less than 30 min.
Depending on your proffessions, there is a few things to do to acheve this. Ammo/probes/bombes. Decay on weapon/amp/armor/tools/Fap. Using (L) items... Also the creature you hunt have lot to say...
What's missing in the post, is the proffession he got. Also he fail to inform about his skills and weapons/Tools he use. This would help a lot, but still there is many possabillities to loose loads of money in a short time.
Should he revice the way he play EU? Yes, he really should
The problem is, after all these hype with the press, like CP - TI - CND - Shopping Malls, there have been many joining EU who deposit loads of money. They buy skills and wery expensive equipment, hoping for good loot. Many of them don't know good enough how to play and loose big time money...
Who benefit from this?
Mainly MA and then the traders.
Don't know the trade price on high lvl items atm, but Fap2600/Imp Fap/AS-xxx/DOA-x/FF BGH/M&L-ML-xx/Katsuichi-x among some, have become wery expensive after each press release from MA, when new people join EU. This is because of the limited supply of many of these items and high demand from ppl with lot of money... (well, as a player in EU, it looks like they got more money than brain) (ML-35 TT+4865 PED / ML-45 TT+3275 PED = 1500~2500 increase in price last year) Prices on items also depends a lot on WHO the trader is.
Thats what I mean. And sure you can burn even more than 100USD in 30min, actually loosing money isn't that difficult thing to do. What makes it stupidity.. well if you hear that investing in Wall Street can make you loads of cash in no time, and you rush to buy expensive bunch of stocks without proper investigation and loose all you put in, what should you call that?
At least one should examine the different possibilities with small enough amounts first, and only gradually start taking bigger, preferably somewhat calculated risks.
Still all this talk about this game being crap or not is starting to get boring. Yes its a game u schould bring u brain to when playing, not only ur game play but also how much u burn. Loose no more than u can handle to loose... There are no easy answers u just have to try it to know it.
As to the game play I must say I enjoy EU, the same can be said about the community. Hmm nn
Any idiot can critizise but few idiots can critizise well or with style
i have to agree with the OP but disagree with how he said it. With the new changes to the game they have made being an OJ even more hard, it seems like there now "slum lording it" which is to say, they clean it up so it looks good, so someone comes in, gives them some money, then realizes there mistake and leaves, without getting money back. PLease don't say i'm just mean or trolling or whatever, i LOVED this game for a couple years, but now with recent changes things are getting VERY hard, alot of items are becoming (L) Loot is just plain TERRIBLE so terrible one of the MAJOR players in the Game Akoz, who owned several land areas and held tournements on them, SOLD HIS LAND, and i havent seen him on, i think he slod out, though i cant say for sure, but none the less this means loot is SO BAD that someone who has played the game since gold has decided to cut losses, on his land, knowing no one will hunt there anymore. This kills alot of the game, because traders cant sell weapons and armor now, cause miners don't realy NEED them, they can avoid mobs.hmmm... let me see if i can find the screen shot of me and a friend killing 2 whole herds of exasaurs and getting maybee 10 ped of loot (used over 500 ped of ammo and decay) and this is a recent shot they were so great... what happened MindArk!
screenshot is up keep in mind those "this creature didn't carry any loot" messages are scrolling both up and down.
There is no such thing as a guaranteed profit scheme. Not in real life, not in a virtual life. There are people that play this game at a fair level without depositing at all, and there are people that do.
The nice thing is that you can play for quite some time with very limited funds, but you can also choose to blow your money fast. As in real life it is nice to spend big time, but it may not always be the best option so to speak. You will encounter your real life personality behaviour here
If opalo hunting on exa doesn't work for you? Try another area, other mob, other time of day. Maybe without armor to save on the decay. Try some sweating (it can actually be fun if you do it once in a while) if the loot suck, which it does at times. Be patient, look at it over a longer run.
Yesterday I teamed up with a fairly new player and we profited nicely on a run with 1700 ammo cells (1,70 US$) add some decay, well make it a 'run' of 2US$ worth. Took us little under an hour I would guess to blow that amount of ammo. I don't think you can spend much more when you are hunting with an opalo.
Like I said, no losses on this hunt, even some profit and some nice items. Does this happen every time? No, for sure. I was on a bad streak actually, but in the long run it pays off if you play smarter then the rest! I don't know all the secrets there are, but there seem to be quite a few.
Of course I do not ALWAYS profit, and when I do nothing spectacular, but I'm more or less at least breaking even.
There are few things to keep in mind. MindArk plays us, players, against each other. Like a casino, it takes its revenue, in case of EU as decay cost. But what you shoot and mine and pay for auction prices goes back to so-called 'loot-pool', from which the loots are dealed when you for example hunt. So it is always matter of doing things more economically than 50% of other players, and this needs some calculating and thinking.
Like: 1) Use fast enough weapon so that the animal has no time to regenerate before being killed. For same reasons don't try to hunt animals too big for you. 2) Use weapon with which YOU have good hit ability (HA), which for most means either trade terminal weapons, or the limited (L, unrepairable) weapons. 3) Do not hunt, at least not regularly, animals that manage to kill you often (=just wasted ammo for you, either you can't run back to finish it at all, or can but so late that animal has regained a lot of its health). 4) If you can't loot (L) weapons but have to buy them, try always use the weapons with lowest markup price (but don't forget N:o 1). 5) ALWAYS carry also a finishing weapon, with low decay and ammo consumption, and use it when animal has got only few HP left - no overkills. 6) Do not teamhunt too small animals - again risk of overkilling. 7) This is not 3rd person RPG, hunting works best played like FPS, 1st person (at least for me). So take into consideration inevitable lag: often you need to lead a bit when the animal charges. Good aiming is a bit tricky though even if you had 10/10 HA. It just doesn't work as cleanly and coherently as in FPS games out there. Fortunately (for you) you are not alone with this problem (and remember: economically you are playing against other players wh have the same problem). 8) Plan your approach: try to avoid situations where you can be attacked by many animals simultaneously, which often results in your death, or armor/FAP decay.
I played this game a short while back while looking for something new and found:
Sweating is entirely geared up to pissing you off enough to spend some money (PEDS)to try something else,such as hunting or mining.
Any equipment you buy (including weapons) degrades at an alarmingly quick rate and needs repair using PED'S which you buy with real money.
Ammunition expended on killing mobs is not recoverable by the loot the mobs drop, although most of the time they dont drop any loot.Therefore you need to buy more ammo with yes....real money.
I joined a society and the people were nice enough but with real money involved there was like an edge to everything,you will not get anything for free....there are no 'hand me downs'.
You can play many games for relitavely low monthly fees but this game allows you to buy as much as you want and if you are easily addicted or indisciplined you could spend far more money then you'd want.
This whole game strikes me as a gigantic elaborate pyramid selling scheme whereby as long as people keep joining the people at the top will make money.It will come crashing down eventually and a lot of people will have lost a lot of money.
Again, I only played a short while but that was enough.I would not recommend you play this game (although casino is a more accurate description)
Sweating is a total bore that is true. In spite of that I did that A LOT in the beginning, for I wanted to 'crack the system' without putting real money in. I got a very good start after REAL HEAVY sweating, that is like HOURS, daily, every day, every month. But I had way too much time back then, wouldn't bother to try that now..
All weapons do NOT degrade fast. Repeat: NOT.
Nowadays you get ammo frequently as loot.
You will not get often anything free, thats for sure. For its 'real money game'. Still it happens quite frequently that veteran players give beginners armor sets, low-end faps for free, or you can get healed for free while hunting, or someone comes to help you when you are close to dieing fighting some animal. I do that too sometimes. As it is a 'money game', you cannot expect that to happen very much. It's hard fighting for (economical) survival after all - that is the catch of EU. You NEED to want to fight that kind of fight, otherwise you cannot but hate Entropia. And that is ok.
True is, ppl at the top will be making money, most of us others don't. Especially for beginners it is practically impossible, so Atrebates is right in that newbs pay the bills. But they are not the only ones, also veteran players who want to skill faster, and they are many, use high-powered guns / swords that cost incredible amounts of PEDs, and they hunt A LOT. Three 40.000 ammo hunts /day is nothing extraordinary.
I don't want to belong to either group , thats why I survive. I deposit ONLY when I want to do something different, like take a long minig trip, or have some good fun with bigger robots for example.
But I am not forced to do that. I will not be locked out of EU if I do not pay monthly fees for half a year. Just log in again.
Something bugs me too of course.. the REAL TOP players, who own land areas, who have 10/10 hit ability with high-end gear, who have the best guns out there.. they DO earn money. I know I will NEVER be there. Absolutely NEVER. That is just totally impossible without selling your IRL car, grandma, kids, and apartment.
So it's a very capitalistic game. On the bottom hard work without much rewards, middle class working, getting their bread but never getting rich, and the rich getting more.. now why in the fuck I still play? LOL
Maybe because of the challenge? As expected, in WoW it took me the 10 days to get to level 25 (of 60! or 70). I will be in top in no time. Equivalent progress in Entropia took me more than a year, and slowing..
another idiot NOOB commenting..
yeh,sure..keep playing
its a rigged casino and because you havent managed to do so doesnt mean its not possible.
you work for mindark or what?
funny ma closed only site with any truthful information of their "game"
I mean,ffs,if theyve got what is it??500ks of happy participants..
why close entropiareality??just a few opinions from not so happy participants.
entropia universe is not only a virtual universe its the soviet union of all virtual universes.
This is quite interesting to look in non Entropia forums.
May be I missed all the frustrated and quited gamers and found some of them here? I don't like to procokate anybody. But I can't see it if someone is agitating in general against this game.
Alexis_SF, ecator and so on: Don't judge about this game if you have not enough knowledge about!
Much more interesting is to have look at the fact: This is not a typical mmorpg!
Ideas like "earing money with hunts with Opalo" are reverie. But you are able to earn money but with high invests, not with a few $. Buy an estate or deal professional with items, this is the way. Personally I had a profit of about 500$ last week while hunting Aurlis.
Many ppl see this game as hobby and did find their friends in game. Currently there is a nice event in London where gamers out of whole europe have much fun together.
So don't judge bad if you have not enough experience with it.
I think Im qualified to judge,more qualified to judge than you are to defend them
without getting into details Id be considered uber without massive chip out..
1 - you know nothing
2 - most of the community know nothing
3 - those who do are cencorshitted and silenced
where else does that happen?????
err..let me think..30s germany and soviet union and north korea,pick your favourite
theres your pe..
and yeh..I still call it pe,same shit different package no matter what the name was..
and btw..why dont you go feeling elvis to ef about your 500$ last week hahahaha
thats the correct forum..
ah right..
none would buy it there.
I understand if you are more qualified than most of the playerbase to loose money quickly. Unfortunately that doesn't automatically mean you are an "uber".
No doubt you are not getting into details because there are none......
I wanted to counter thread starter for being overtly biased. I know for FACT that you can play in EU without loosing, or loosing very little. I backed this giving some useful information of methods that work. I see no good facts given from the opposite camp, except the excpected, you loose if you cannot play, or don't bother to learn.
Obviously you cannot. Go back playing tetris online, or whatever it is you are good at.
I have been playing Entropia Universe for over 3 years and have developed a love hate relationship to this virtual world and to VU´s that have come and gone and have some comments and fact´s to your post´s.
Firstly I have introduced several of my friends to this virtual world as their mentor and they report no problem going around and two of them have been doing well hunting Feffoids and other lower mid mobs,maybe its the new VU or maybe they have the right tools for the right profession.I´m not saying they go even every time but they go around enough to keep going out and having fun to,and potentually hit big loots over $1000.00 to me it looks much better for new and mid level players in EU,if you are losing you are either not as veteran as you claim to be or have´nt adjusted yourself to the new VU.
Secondly its been quoted in the major EU forums that Akoz sold out after his account was locked for cheating .
I will,as long as YOU idiot noobs buy the rest of my skills
sure,its possible to play without losing at all,just go sweating,very interesting and rewarding
you see all of that shit you wrote works for NOOBS..
why dont you go ask pham??
Im sure he likes tetris also..
and btw,its not biased thread or thread starter,ef is for that so crawl back there fagboi
Whoever here wrote that if you have maxed stats and best weapons in game must be way wrong informed because íts OFFICIALLY claimed my people with mod/imp weapons and 10/10 stats on them that they miss 1 of 5 shots anyway and they loos 7 of 10 hunts.
so whoever claims skills and 10/10 stats and uber item matters:) haha fine chip to max stats, have fun investing 300k peds to get those stats and 150k peds for a mod weapon and another 50k for a good armor and another 50-300k for a good fap (adj/imp/mod)
happy hunting
This is the most ridiculous things I have ever read, And you know it! You know how fast 100 USD goes! Buy 1 gun! Now depo more fool , for 20 minutes of hunting! Now you have half that after repairing and buying more ammo just to get out there again...Stop your BS!
All I have to say is I have been around for 2 yrs. I have put money in (over and over) but nothing... The creators of this game are out to take your money and keep you in the dark about how they do it... Your thinking how is that... No guides... no help, being shut out by support and best yet... no Official Forum. The Forum most people use is Better be in the "In" Crowd and say what you are supposed to or you're gone...
MA has had lawsuits against them been investigated for fraud, the ATM cards... hehe yep The bank that handled them ran for thier lives leaving hundreds of people pissed and scared no more cards... On top of that as a noob you have the opportunity to stand up against scammers (before you even have a clue). When you are ripped off and you tell MA (MindArk) they will advise you they don't get in the middle of such trade disputes. Ok so you realise not only has real money been stolen from you, now you cant compete because (The House Always Wins) . So you go back to That forum for any help you might get... advice from the older players maybe, anything because you were really Just ripped off... And guess what. Unless you are on of those important members you get ridiculed... told well you are just dumb for doing it accepting the trade etc... Tough...
Ehhh THE BUGS!!! MA does not care for thier bugs the game is bugged to no end. so what happens is you are hunting or mining or coloring or whatever... all the sudden you see a freakin lumber board run by and you get booted... well log back in to find out you just lost the last 5 minutes of money... yep and go for it place a support ticket in... MA will respond after you have given up (3 weeks Min) and say sorry your fault... I could go all night on this pyramid scheme... (STAY AWAY or lose your butt promise)
eh, I am sure Archangel or Xantonia (and the others trying to fix the polls here) are going to come say how wonderful EU is, and I have to say I agree... but after the honeymoon period is over, hell better watch your back and your pocket book! It is nothing but a money pit!
Think spending 100 USD will get you anywhere... just try it
If you want to play big and shoot your gun up in the air and blow your money don´t cry about it after ,no one likes a bad looser.
You are very out of touch my friend and it´s obvious that some one has hurt your feelings ,you have my sympathies. I wish you luck on your mission and that one day you can enjoy gaming again.