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  • RanceDangerRanceDanger Member Posts: 19
    EEEEHHHHNNNN Wrong it's Scions of Fate

    I want to play Scions of Fate Duhh... oh and Go!

  • Leo-SheepLeo-Sheep Member Posts: 9
    anygood free to play mmorpg's around nowadays and dont say Maplestory im done with that gets boring after lvl 80


  • BoozbazBoozbaz Member Posts: 1,918
    Originally posted by Leo-Sheep

    anygood free to play mmorpg's around nowadays and dont say Maplestory im done with that gets boring after lvl 80
    BWAHAHAHA I love your signature. hilarious. saved to disk. anyways yeah I'm just entering the maple story scene now. level 18 and I noticed the trend by level 3. it's obviously going to get repetetive but whatever, it's a hobby for now. + a chance to meet people online.

    I'm thinking about getting into a game which name I do not want to share cuz it's a small community of hardcore roleplayers but the game is coded extremely well. Perma-death and all sorts of hardcore roleplay stuff. just the whole staying in character thing turns me off. I mean if my genclone doesn't know how the previous body died, but in RL I's just so hard to not run right back to the body and loot all my items back.


  • ZippyDodahZippyDodah Member Posts: 120
    teh matrix online is gr8er than all
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