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Need help with logging in

Sin-Sin- Member Posts: 79
Hi all,  So I downloaded the game and all its patches.  I can get into the game and get to the character creation screen.  I fill out all the information thats needed then hit accept but nothing happens.  All I see is the camera panning over my guy in the lower right corner and thats it.  I can move the cursor but cant click on any of the buttons.  Can someone plz help,  Thx


  • BloodWorkBloodWork Member Posts: 139
    I think someone had the same problem because of their firewall, but post your problem here and they help:

  • Sin-Sin- Member Posts: 79
    I will consider myself and idiot for this, but I've been to the website and have an account, but how in the hell do u post something.   Theres no reply button to hit and I click on every freakin icon in there and have yet to learn how to make a post.  Worthless I know, but any help would be appreciated.
  • SkyJackalSkyJackal Member Posts: 390
    You signed in? Check out the top of the page for 'sign in/change user'.
  • Sin-Sin- Member Posts: 79

    Thx again for the help, ya im signed in and yet still have a chance to post.  Someone told me on another forum that if your new it takes like a week till you can post something.  Thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard but more and more im starting to beilieve it.  Its not like the games going anywhere, my dudes still chillin on the character creation screen image

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