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What's the point of playing, with a terrible economy?

grapevinegrapevine Member UncommonPosts: 1,927

Well I fancied a break from WoW, so subscribed to EQ2.  Actually I'm quite enjoying it, but is there actually any point in a new player starting these days?

It was fine up to level 10, but so far ever server I've tried the economy just makes it not viable for new players.  By level 16 items cost way above what someone could make.

Is there actually a server without greedy level 70s, making money off alts?  If so please can you let me know, as I'll re-roll, otherwise I'll just give up.


  • AldrenAldren Member Posts: 2
    Find a guild that is nice to you and have them make you armor and what not you need. Money isn't that hard to make as even the low level rares for tradeskilling go for 20-50 gold. If you're broke then I would suggest mining some and getting some materials to put up on a broker. I went from a few silver to 2 platinum in a day. :)
  • PlanoMMPlanoMM Member Posts: 1,267

    for real, i am only a lvl 22 pally and 22 alchem. and i have no trouble making money.  and all me armor and such r upgraded to me lvl and didnt have any probs doing it.

    btw, im on Vox pvp server.


  • Rayx0rRayx0r Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 2,902

    in the guild Im in, everyone supplies each other with everything

    if they get a greed master, or adept, they offer it up.  then they put int in the guild vault if nobody takes it. theres an abundance of crafting rares in the bank. this guild is only level 30 too. not many folks ..small guild..

    dont be afraid to guild shop.  there are guilds out there that play the "game", then theres guilds out there that make their payers take care of themselves.

    antonia bayle by the way.  legion of the truthseekers


    “"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a robot foot stomping on a human face -- forever."
  • ShadrakShadrak Member Posts: 375

    money isnt hard to make at all. As some said earlier Learn2Harvest :)

    Tradeskill resources, especially rares are very profitable also bones,shards,leaves, butterflies etc all sell for nice $

    Everytime you see a glowy   ?    on the ground get it and sell it :)

  • FlemFlem Member UncommonPosts: 2,871

    As everyone has mentioned money making isnt that hard, gather and sell resources especially roots and ore plus you may strike a rare which sells for more.

    A lot of the collection items sell really well also.

    Economy is better in my opinion than it was, you think stuff is expensive now you should have been here over a year ago when things were harder to come by.

  • BerndrBerndr Member Posts: 185

    well i Disagree 100% and think its other way round ,, economy sucks not because its expensive its suks because its too cheap .. and you obviously did not even try to mine or craft otherwise  you would not say something like that


    lets say you are a crafter (Tailor) on tier 3

    to make a any item like shoo or helm  etc will cost you

    around 8 tussah roots

    2-4 leather pelts

    and around 4 wire filaments

    if you buy those they sell:


    tusah roots from  4 - 10 silver you need 8

    wire filament around 4 silver x4

    so an item could cost you over a gold , but if you put it on market none of them sells for more then 40 silver

    you just dont make any money at all all money i make on selling my rares that i mined  i spent on crafting ,, and crafting is always waste of money ,, unless you harvest all of it and even then it does not pay your time and work

    if you dont believe me log in on nagafen server and check the prices , I might have even given u a good day version , prices can be even worst


    but you are right it s expensive but not to buy crafted things , the components you need to craft will cost you much more then value that you will get for the finished product ,, crafting just does not pay off

    you are better off harvesting roots and selling it to those suckers like me  that are pationate about crafting and spend all their money on new components


  • grapevinegrapevine Member UncommonPosts: 1,927

    Thanks for the feed back.

    As I stated, I have actually been enjoying EQ2.  However its also correct I've not tried harvesting or crafting, as I find doing so extremely boring (no matter the game).  Just not my cup of tea, I much prefer earning through quests, selling loot, etc.   I'm also in a guild that have said they will craft items for me, but I don't like the easy road and it would just become a grind to level 70.

    I'll give the VoX server a go, as someone suggested that.

    Once again thanks.

  • MoiraeMoirae Member RarePosts: 3,318
    I have no trouble with the economy at all. And, actually, the occasions when something isn't without your ability to buy is very rare. There are undercutters, that sell things below what the level 70's try to sell them for.

    I mean, I noticed that some idiots were selling an advanced scholar book for 40 gold. Instead of go with that, I cut my cost down to 5 gold because 40 is ridiculous and will never sell unless someone bought gold on the internet and doesn't care what they spend.

    As for weapons and armor... only the rare items cost alot. If you're looking for regular armor (it has slightly higher stats and better specials than armor you buy from an NPC), most people sell it for between 2 and 20 silver at the Antonica level which is most definately within everyone's limit of cash. If you're playing and selling what you gather, you have the money (sometimes, even if you're not a crafter, you'll make more money selling it on the broker than selling it to an NPC so pay attention to the market).

    It's a matter of learning to play the economics game. If you pay attention, you should do fine.

  • PlanoMMPlanoMM Member Posts: 1,267
    i agree with Moirae on this.  its all about learning what sells and what doesnt.  quite easy, imo.  btw, if u harvest ur own components, crafting is the cheapest method of making money.


  • XandryaXandrya Member Posts: 59

    I agree here with Plano and Moirae.  Money isn't too difficult to come by. 

    Harvesting is a great way to get started at low levels making decent coin, but you can also make decent money by going out and soloing level appropriate mobs and sell the body loot and chest drops.  Find some mobs that frequently drop vendor junk and killl them for a few hours.  Admittedly at lower levels you won't get much, but trust me when I say, as you advance it gets better!

    Some markets are just really bad right now for the seller (armor and weaponry), and hopefully will improve with tinkering and transmorgification when they are added to tradeskilling.  If you are looking to buy armor and weapons though that is to your advantage, you should be able to get them for fairly cheap.  Many people will sell their goods for cost of fuel or in exchange for raw material if they are trying to level up a tradeskill profession.  IF you choose to craft, which you indicated a disinterest in anyway, you should craft something that will sell well.

    I have 3 crafters:  Provisioner, Carpenter, and Jeweler

    I can make money from food, IF I make food that people want (long-lasting, with stats, for the level 30-60 crowd), price it right, and replace it very very often.

    I can make money from furniture IF I make the right pieces of furniture that are purchased often because of aesthetic appearance or the need for many of them in a house.   Things like sconces, rugs, paintings, vases seem to sell much better than your run-of-the-mill tables and chairs.  I actually can make more money selling things made from tier 3 materials than higher tiers.  Rare furniture pieces sell very well on my server and if they are ironwood (tier 6 rare) they sell for around 2 plat.

    My jeweler doesn't make money crafting except by doing tradeskill writs, which is really kind of fun, but still doesn't pay a whole lot in cash.  The status points are great though and added to the cash makes doing the writs worthwhile.  If someone wanted some common jewelry or runes made and asked me to make it for them, I'd sell it to them at cost of fuel.



  • MoiraeMoirae Member RarePosts: 3,318
    Just to add, please remember that you shouldn't be buying the makings (such as roots) for your crafting items. Only do that if you're pretty desperate because, yes, you'll find they cost alot to buy. It's much cheaper to go out and harvest them yourself. All it does is take your time. The only thing you might like to consider buying from the broker are rares (bronze cluster,etc) because they're hard to find and they get harder to find the higher tier you move to (ex. in Thundering Steps, it's harder to find rares than it is in Antonica).

  • PlanoMMPlanoMM Member Posts: 1,267
    i find the tradeskill thing as much, if not more, fun as lvling me pally.  btw, im a Alchemist.  which i hear is about the easiest to lvl, not sure if thats true.  but i love it.


  • os008os008 Member UncommonPosts: 83

    Originally posted by PlanoMM
    i find the tradeskill thing as much, if not more, fun as lvling me pally.  btw, im a Alchemist.  which i hear is about the easiest to lvl, not sure if thats true.  but i love it.

    Alchemist, Jeweler and Sage r the easiest to level, cause of the bonus XP u get from the many items u can craft per level ;).

    Egyptian, 27
    Former EQ2, Guild Wars player
    Waiting on the next decent MMO
    Currently playing ... nothing.

  • neuronomadneuronomad Member Posts: 1,276

    Coming from WoW you might be focusing more on gear than you really have to in EQ2.  The game isn't nearly as gear based as the Warcraft.


    Currently Playing: Guild Wars 2 and Path of Exile

    Quit: Eden Eternal, Wakfu, DDO, STO, DCUO, Sword 2, Atlantica Online, LOTRO, SWTOR, RIFT, Earthrise, FFXIV, RoM, Allods Online, GA,WAR,CO,V:SoH,POTBS,TR,COH/COV, WOW, DDO,AL, EQ, Eve, L2, AA, Mx0, SWG, SoR, AO, RFO, DAoC, and others.

  • sonicringsonicring Member UncommonPosts: 44

     I haven't posted much here but i have activly wacthed forums an MMorpg's forums for years and played several mmo's. I enjoy playing most mmo's(except for korean style ones i've yet to find one i can stand). Economies on all mmo's go up and down. But i believe to play an mmo YOU HAVE TO FORAGE/HARVEST whatever you want to call it. It's your virtual job. Mmo's are made to simulate a fantasy life. In real life you have to work to get those levi's you want, Do any kind of entertainment(movies,books you like to read) And the things you don't like utility bills rent and what not. I was born in 1972( makes me 34 years old O_O) i grew up with the atari sega nintendo and a slew of handhelds. I've always loved playing games. It amazes me what games have become in actually a short period of time. It has brought me to eet people from all walks of life, and nationalities and i enjoy all of it. I can really say some of the best people i've met in life play online games. And some of the most immature as well. Just as in real life you deal with the bad as well as the good. IMO that's what makes an mmo. Anyway i had to say all that because i been holdin it in for long time reading all these rants about economies being broken and unfair OMG so is real life lol.

     On a personal note of eq2 ive played for 48 days now and i feel i've done quite well for myself my highest  char lvl is 36 but within the nest 2 weeks ill have 3 chars at lvl 36 (crafting lvls are similar to there char lvls working on getting them to about 10 above char lvl so i can make my own stuff) If you want to make it in any mmo you have to participate in everything it offers, There is reasons for this. Be self sufficient and one more thing BE PATIENT its an mmo its designed to make you play for a long time. If you don't have the time you really shouldnt be playing mmo's you should play that immitation one Guild wars which i have also but play very seldom anymore.

     Well if you read this thanks for your time, Hope to se you ingame.

  • PlanoMMPlanoMM Member Posts: 1,267

    welcome and well met, sonicring.  enjoyed reading ur post, very insightful.  only recommendation i have is the period tho.  at the end of a sentence, it makes reading more funimage

    im just poking fun at ya tho.  tyvm for ur post.


  • sonicringsonicring Member UncommonPosts: 44
     I tend to get over excited when i have alot to say. Punctuation is one of the many things in life i need to work on. image Thanks for the Humor and warm welcome.
  • PlanoMMPlanoMM Member Posts: 1,267
    glad to have ya here.


  • AntipathyAntipathy Member UncommonPosts: 1,362
    The advice to harvest your own raw materials rather than buy them from the vendor is often correct. But not always. The price of raw materials fluctuates wildly, and sometimes common materials can be picked up very cheaply.

  • FaelanFaelan Member UncommonPosts: 819

    Originally posted by Antipathy
    The advice to harvest your own raw materials rather than buy them from the vendor is often correct. But not always. The price of raw materials fluctuates wildly, and sometimes common materials can be picked up very cheaply.

    Very cheaply as in two copper pieces. One for the seller and one for the brooker. Thanks to the poor resource node spawning code and some resources being way more in demand than others, people often find themselves harvesting stuff they aren't looking for, but have to go through in order for the "good stuff" to spawn. If you want to grind provisioneer, you're in luck. If you want to grind armorer, prepare to spend lots of time running around trying to look for a resource nearly everybody wants and that you only get half the time (worthless loam the other half).

    I'm a big ol' fluffy carewolf. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

  • ziphiiziphii Member Posts: 17
    I am glad to see the encouragement here, that a new person can still make money.  I have never played EQ (what?  how can that be?); I started playing my first mmorpg with wow.  I am taking some time off from that and trying to find a game I like enough to play more.  Eve Online is fun, but a little over whelming if you don't have someone to guide you along.  I am hoping that I can get a lot out of EQ II and have some fun. 

    "Did you see us fight?"



  • AntipathyAntipathy Member UncommonPosts: 1,362

    Originally posted by Faelan
    Originally posted by Antipathy
    The advice to harvest your own raw materials rather than buy them from the vendor is often correct. But not always. The price of raw materials fluctuates wildly, and sometimes common materials can be picked up very cheaply.
    Very cheaply as in two copper pieces. One for the seller and one for the brooker. Thanks to the poor resource node spawning code and some resources being way more in demand than others, people often find themselves harvesting stuff they aren't looking for, but have to go through in order for the "good stuff" to spawn. If you want to grind provisioneer, you're in luck. If you want to grind armorer, prepare to spend lots of time running around trying to look for a resource nearly everybody wants and that you only get half the time (worthless loam the other half).

    Not just provisioner stuff. This weekend I brought about 80 tier 2 roots for about 70c each. And a stack of iron for about 1s 20c. Easy to make a profit at those prices.

  • PlanoMMPlanoMM Member Posts: 1,267

    Originally posted by ziphii
    I am glad to see the encouragement here, that a new person can still make money.  I have never played EQ (what?  how can that be?); I started playing my first mmorpg with wow.  I am taking some time off from that and trying to find a game I like enough to play more.  Eve Online is fun, but a little over whelming if you don't have someone to guide you along.  I am hoping that I can get a lot out of EQ II and have some fun. 

    yeah, EQII has alot to offer.  if u like pvp, go to Vox server and join the goodly races and look for Drlzzt.  im always looking for new friends.


  • boognish75boognish75 Member UncommonPosts: 1,540
    I dont craft at all, i tried it a bit, but its not my thing, i make money off of collections, that is the only thing i sell, loot and such i spread to guildees or vendor fodder it, i have no problem making money at all, and thats w/o crafting.

    playing eq2 and two worlds

  • FlemFlem Member UncommonPosts: 2,871

    Originally posted by boognish75
    i make money off of collections,

    This is my biggest source of income too, i usually once a week spend 1 or 2 hours in Shimmering Citadel, the haul i get depending on the items can get me anywhere between 10-15 plat. 
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