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as long as its not a cookie-cut level based game!

If this turns out to be another cookie-cut level based grind fest as all the other clones out there, then i will pass! Otherwise sign me up!



  • Devildog1Devildog1 Member Posts: 494
    Originally posted by sabutai22

    If this turns out to be another cookie-cut level based grind fest as all the other clones out there, then i will pass! Otherwise sign me up!

    QFT I hear ya! I can't wait for the beta,and how do I get in! lol

  • VortigonVortigon Member UncommonPosts: 723

    If you actually read anything about the game you'd know that there ARE NO LEVELS...and NO CLASSES.


    Its 100% skill based, no levels, no classes.

  • xftrrxftrr Member Posts: 7

    As i like to say: You'll join the beta if  they let you in

  • Balkin31Balkin31 Member UncommonPosts: 224

    If it is just another level based MMO they may as well put it out to pasture today,

    We really need for a game company  to come up with something truely different or in the least go back to skill based RPG style MMO's.

    Story line and SKILL not levels and carrots...

  • LorkLork Member Posts: 338

    This game sounds a lot like EVE without the ships but i like the way EVE is just don't copy and paste there crappy economy

  • KordeshKordesh Member Posts: 1,715

    I agree, if they provide something unique and interesting, I'm in. If it's another carbon copy MMO shovled out to get a quick buck, then screw it, we have fistfulls of those already.

    Bans a perma, but so are sigs in necro posts.

    EAT ME!

  • VortigonVortigon Member UncommonPosts: 723

    Originally posted by Balkin31

    If it is just another level based MMO they may as well put it out to pasture today,
    We really need for a game company  to come up with something truely different or in the least go back to skill based RPG style MMO's.
    Story line and SKILL not levels and carrots...

    Read the whole thread and you will see your answer.. shesh.

  • TordakTordak Member Posts: 285


    Sci-fi Sandbox!

    Alle -- lu-- yah!

    * Life is not black or white, it's shades of grey. But, at it's best/worst, it hints at 32bit color. -Me (a.k.a. RuthlessTimes)

    * I do not need to know how to make a better game than you. I just need to know how to cancel my subscription. -Antarious(a slight misquote but the sentiment remains)

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