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Return of the Forest Dreamer

The calm of Kiani was broken when a strange whistle reverberated 
throughout the Basin of Life and the skies churned with light and 
energy. Soon after, a gentle weight swept into the body: the heaviness 
of sleep. It was like a momentary lapse into a different world as 
everything lost its colour, shape, and distinction; it was like falling 
into a dream that was suddenly, quietly cut to black. 

Then creation shook.

The world became sharp again, waking slowly, and when it did the forests
of Serenwilde and Glomdoring witnessed an incoming horde. Nightmares 
from the Dreaming invaded through the treetops: monsters known as 
episukh, nyryn, lukoje, dysberus, and others. Even the trees themselves 
quarreled with their inhabitants, weeping sleep mist as they birthed the
nightmarish beings. Alerted to this curious turn of events, Manteekan, 
the bound Traitor, ventured into the Dreaming Himself - using all His 
strength to overcome the tide of nightmares. He discerned quickly that 
these were caused from the Forest Dreamer's stirring, which prompted the
hazy God to hatch a terrible plot. 

Unbeknownst to Serenwilde, who were valiantly fighting off nightmares 
which plagued their fellows like Tokota, Dain, and Miakoda, Manteekan 
drew the Glomdoring close. He promised to help the dark forest stave off
the influence of the Dreamer, pledging His full allegiance to the wyrden
woods; however, to do so, He must take on the guise of a mortal. With 
the aid of Xenthos, Kraai, Rancoura, and others, the Nightmare's mists 
were fed and a great illusion was cast. No longer was He the Elder God 
Manteekan, but now a humble hermit: Gianam. Manteekan-as-Gianam ventured
into the Serenwilde and offered the Shelterfolk insight to the origin of
the nightmares. He bade them to listen, saying that He was, in fact, a 
servant of the Forest Dreamer. Those of the northern forest took Him to 
the nightmare-infested realm of Hoaracle, where Gianam said He would 
meditate and contact the slumbering God. Returning to Glomdoring, 
Manteekan explained that His manipulation was coming together before He 
ventured back to contain the nightmares that were spilling out into the 
physical forest 

A month passed and more nightmares swallowed the forests in their 
ravenous fury. Manteekan returned to Glomdoring as Gianam, explaining 
His plan: "We shall collect the baubles of Hoaracle!" His audience was 
mostly Glomdorians; however, among them was Iytha of New Celest who 
frequently shared her concerns to the northern woods. Could this not be 
Drocilla in disguise, she question? Though few took seriously the 
worries of a city-dweller. Manteekan-as-Gianam deftly manoeuvred with 
subtle half-truths, and in private, He and Glomdoring devised a ritual 
to steal the sacred bells of Hoaracle, culminating in the sacrifice of a
doe. And so, Manteekan returned to Glomdoring to bid them to gather 
these bells. Serenwilde, led by Turnus, Astrasia, Sondayga, Mnemosyne, 
and others were busy aiding the nightmare-plagued Isotta, themselves 
helped by the dream body of Dain, Nature Guide (who fell to sleep the 
month previously but was able to leave his body to combat the invading 
dreams). Those mentioned gathered together the necessary ingredients for
a ritual, where Manteekan succeeded in stealing the bells of the Forest 
Dreamer under the Shelterfolk's noses. 

However, as Manteekan's plans slowly came into fruition, Maylea, Bloom 
of Serenity's attention fell upon the Serenwilde. Suspicious about this 
Hermit Gianam, She revealed the hermit for who He really was. Indeed, 
Hermit Gianam's true identity was written into his name and title, an 
anagram for "I am Nightmare." With a mad cackle and swirl of mist, 
Manteekan fled back to the Glomdoring, regaling the dark forest of His 
dark trick and thinnest phase of His plans. Meanwhile, the Serene 
Goddess plotted a feasible counter. 

When the two Gods reappeared to their respective communities the next 
month, the people of the forests made quick work of the tasks set before
them. Manteekan urged Glomdoring to build the Eisenglass Needle; this 
instrument, made of ice, metal, and the Hoaracean artifacts, would be 
thrust into the mind the sleeping God - causing Him to stir (but also 
steal precious essence). Meanwhile, Maylea called upon the Shelterfolk 
to brew a poison that would debilitate the Nightmare, made from aerial 
stalkers, merbloom, cloud essence, and man-eater plants. Once finished, 
She coated Her lips with the finished product and went to challenge the 
Traitor. Her intention was devious, as Manteekan had been plaguing the 
Goddess for months with obsessive affection, and She used that to Her 
advantage. Coming before the Nightmare with the 'intent' to follow Him 
into the embrace of the Wyrd, Maylea learned of the Eisenglass. She 
gifted Him a parting kiss that wracked the God in pain, speeding back to
Serenwilde to rally the northern forest. 

Enraged, Manteekan ripped a hole into the Dreaming - finding an ancient 
tree amongst the fluctuating reality. There, He activated the Needle, 
which began to drill its way into the tree's bark. His creation, Ravila,
of the Mists, aided the dark forest to transform dark essence and 
corpses to fuel the Needle. Maylea's rallying was aided by Her Mahin, a 
silvery fox that worked to transform silver essence and corpses to break
the Eisenglass's structure. In the end, Glomdoring prevailed. 

As the Eisenglass drilled through the ancient tree, the God Hoaracle was
woken with pain and violence, His essence so thoroughly twisted and 
broken that His shrines throughout the land erupted in a subtle boom. As
the tree's bark sloughed away to reveal a very different and haggard 
Dreamer, the Nightmare snarked about His triumph. Though weak, Hoaracle 
made chase and a divine battle ensued. The Nightmare won in the end, 
severed the Forest Dreamer's hand and tossing Him into the depths of the
Serenwilde. Manteekan returned to Glomdoring, shouting "Glory be to 
Glomdoring!" Maylea and the Shelterfolk found the weakened Hoaracle, but
the story was not over. 

Indeed, sensing Hoaracle's return, the Enchantress appeared and demanded
knowledge of the thing She desired most of all: the Hyringex Key. But 
from the onslaught of everything, Hoaracle's memories were jumbled and 
lost as He could not recall the Enchantress at all. Drocilla took flight
to reprimand Manteekan for His incompetence, and the Nightmare only 
laughed at Her, for His intention was never to assist Her at all. With 
the fury befitting a Goddess, the Enchantress terrorized Mount Avechna 
with a divine storm, day in and day out for the following months. 

And so, the Forest Dreamer has returned. But what was the cause of His 
initial troubles, for it is clear that Manteekan's interference was only
a second torture that the Tree God experienced these past few months? 
And what does the Nightmare plan to use of Hoaracle's severed hand, now 
an artifact in its own right? Or the Eisenglass Needle, which resides in
the shadows of the Master Ravenwood Tree? However, the most important 
question has only been whispered by some: if the Dreamer cannot recall 
the Enchantress nor the Hyringex Key, then where could it be and who 
will find it? 

Penned by My hand on the 8th of Dvarsh, in the year 418 CE.
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