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LIST MANIA - For the lover of lists

4 Catergories - lots o lists START.




5 Favorite MMO's

1) EVE online

2) Vangaurd

3) Fallen Earth

4) DDO

5) Perpetuum online


3 MMO's I would take on a desert island

1) EVE online

2) Vangaurd

3) DDO


Favorite MMO of all time

1) Eve online




5 Worst MMO's I have played for more than 1 week

1) STO

2) Champions online

3) Perfect World

4) WoW



If you were on a desert island and you were given 3 random MMO's that you have played for more then a week and you were given a chance to cross off 3 MMO's which would they be.

1) Perfect World

2) STO

3) Champions online


Worst MMO you have played for more then a week

1) STO




5 Most anticpated MMO's

1) GW2

2) Secret World

3) World of Darkness

4) Arche Age

5) Dominus


3 You would take on a desert island

1) GW2

2) Secret World

3) World of Darkness


Most Inticapated MMO

1) GW2




5 Favorite MMO companies

1) CCP

2) Arena-net

3) Trion

4) ......

5) ......


5 Worst MMO companies

1) SOE

2) Cryptic

3) Perfect World

4) Funcom

5) Bioware


3 MMO Companies you would want to work for the most

1) Arena-net

2) CCP

3) Trion


Worst MMO company

1) SOE


This is a thread for lover of lists. There is a lot of overlap BUT IT ALLOWED ME TO MAKE MORE LISTS



Playing: PO, EVE
Waiting for: WoD
Favourite MMOs: VG, EVE, FE and DDO
Any person who expresses rage and loathing for an MMO is preposterous. He or she is like a person who has put on full armor and attacked a hot fudge sundae.

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