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General: Cult of (Multiple) Personality



  • Mellow44Mellow44 Member Posts: 599

    Originally posted by twinmill5000

    Patience, little-stoned-puppy, patience.

    Be too quick to jump the gun and you'll fail to realize how diverse people can be... and you'll end up being the cause for many more facepalms.

    lol I had to say that, even if it's more along the lines of nerdy-socially-awkward humor.

    You just proved that Jaime is right.



    All those memories will be lost in time, like tears in the rain.

  • twinmill5000twinmill5000 Member UncommonPosts: 24

    You had already proved that she might have just had a bad experience with your over-assumptious attitude. Congratulations.

    I'm defending that... er... kid from your big mouth with one of my own, and you still jumped the gun and assumed I was crusading for the RPs. Bash roleplaying, but don't attack other people-- if you were some ubercore RPer, I wouldn't talk to you any differently. So... yeah, best advice I can give: open your eyes, and calm down just a tad.

    Edit: Let me reinstate what you failed to scroll up and read: there [i]are[/i] elitist RPers out there who attack others. You lowered yourself to their level when you attacked someone defending a hobby, so, what? that makes you any better than them?

    People that put themselves above others put me in a bad mood.
    ^Has nothing to do with that retarded Vampire Novel Series, I swear!^

  • Justarius1Justarius1 Member Posts: 381

    Interesting, Jamie.

    All I can say is this: I haven't encountered any of the vitriol you have in over twenty years of gaming and ten years of online gaming.  And I'm a role-player.  

    Then again, I suppose it boils down to this old fable:

    Two men were traveling from one town to another.  The first man reached a crossroads and there was an old man there standing at the crossroads.

    The first traveler asked the old man, "Hail!  What is the town like that I am traveling to?"

    The old man replied, "What is the town like from which you come?"

    The first traveler replied, "It is a wonderful place, full of friendly people and compassionate neighbors.  I am sad to leave, but I look forward to seeing what is in the next town."

    The old man smiled.  "You should continue on, the town ahead is full of the same: happy people and friendly folk."

    The first traveler passed on into the new town, and the second traveler came up to the old man.  He asked the same question, "What is this town like that I am heading towards?"

    The old man repeated his question, "What was the town like that you came from?"

    Differing from the first traveler, the second man said, "The town I came from is mean and nasty, full of backstabbing people who are out for your blood."

    The old man nodded sagely and gave him a completely different answer than he gave the first man - "Well, I would head back, then.  The town ahead is full of more hatred and strife.  You won't find anything different."

    Moral of the story:

    You tend to find what you think you'll find; or in other words: You tend to find what you're looking for.


  • Justarius1Justarius1 Member Posts: 381

    Oh, to follow up:


    Where are you finding people actually roleplaying now on MMOs?  Please give links and locations.  I haven't seen it in quite a while; elite or otherwise.


  • Justarius1Justarius1 Member Posts: 381

    Originally posted by Beezerbeez

    Too much paranoia and generalization to take this opinion piece very seriously.  Sure, we've all seen some degree of this stuff but this level of analysis borders dangerously on the negligent and prejudicial side of things.    


    Right.  Basically, someone got her feelings hurt and this is a way to lash out.  In public, even.


  • Mellow44Mellow44 Member Posts: 599

    Originally posted by twinmill5000

    You had already proved that she might have just had a bad experience with your over-assumptious attitude. Congratulations.

    I'm defending that... er... kid from your big mouth with one of my own, and you still jumped the gun and assumed I was crusading for the RPs. Bash roleplaying, but don't attack other people-- if you were some ubercore RPer, I wouldn't talk to you any differently. So... yeah, best advice I can give: open your eyes, and calm down just a tad.

    Edit: Let me reinstate what you failed to scroll up and read: there [i]are[/i] elitist RPers out there who attack others. You lowered yourself to their level when you attacked someone defending a hobby, so, what? that makes you any better than them?

    You are one of those people that Jaime mentions.

    I will have no further dealings with you.

    All those memories will be lost in time, like tears in the rain.

  • twinmill5000twinmill5000 Member UncommonPosts: 24

    You have horrible misinterpretations in your one-liners.


    EDIT: On topic:

    Jaime, I can't say what you went through will never happen again. In Battlefield, there's always this group of people that, with their asses, type "noob team," or "raped" at the end of the game. In roleplays, I wouldn't expect it to be any different. The only difference, is in Battlefield, if you're good, you can mindfuck them and give them a really horrible day with a sniper rifle and some C4. My point is, you really can't fight back against elitist RPers as easy as elitists in other games; you have to see them for what the are and ignore them, and the ones haughty enough to actually /callgm against you... my solution for that problem would be to find a new server or something if at all possible. I'm sorry but that's just absurd. Do know, there's some of us out there, who, if you're not going to deliberately defile us, will gladly help. There's a bunch of nice 80s out there who will run a complete stranger for free if you know where to look. Same concept.

    People that put themselves above others put me in a bad mood.
    ^Has nothing to do with that retarded Vampire Novel Series, I swear!^

  • JimMorenoJimMoreno Member UncommonPosts: 21
  • HabistusHabistus Member Posts: 2


    Some people are always going to be skeptics. Some of them may be just trying to defend and rationalise their own «identification» as being a hard-core role-player. I will tell you of my experiences with a so-called «roleplay-focused» MUD (MMOs were once MUDs back in the day) from long ago.

    This article hits several accurate points, but believe it or not, does not reveal how TRULYUGLY it can get. The MUD I once played on FORCED you to become PK-Able before you could advance past L25. Not only that, unless you were a coder and/or builder for that MUD, survival of your character was EXTREMELY difficult.

    Topping that off, well, actually, not even reach the top yet, was the fact that there were cheating staff-members who manipulated the game-mechanics and designed areas specifically to give their ANTI-SOCIAL characters maximum advantage, and they would STEAL from you. Thieving was RAMPANT. I don`t care if they knew you, whether you were a newbie to the game or not, you were GUARANTEED to be STOLEN from, and after having spent incredibly pain-staking efforts in order to collect your valuable merchandise/equipment which was crucial to your survival against the regular monsters.

    Not only this, I read through every single help-file, all of the lore in the game, and pointed out some flaws that were associated with the in-game world and the lore-history. Apparently, one of the IMMs decided to take offense, for not only did HE write that history, I was blatantly confronted by him in the OOC Room and told that I was an idiot and that he wrote that particular history, and that it was one of the best-written out of all the histories on that MUD (how`s THAT for an Elitist EGOtistical Mind-Set for you?).

    I saw many, Many, and I mean MANY otherwise strong/good friendships dissolve, DISSOLVE, I tell you ! I suspect that there are those ass-hole so-called hard-core role-players who just want to cause drama and end up spreading lies, deceit, etc. Here is one thing I have noticed about most, but not necessarily all, people who do this so-called role-playing. WHAT they choose to role-play also tends to reflect upon their own real-life personality/character (even if they claim to separate OOC and IC which they in fact do not which I can elaborate on quite a bit).

    Attempting to post accurate and fair information after one of those ass-hole so-called hard-core roleplay-focused cheating staff-members decides that, just because you`ve been able to prove that the lore he wrote is conflicting to the game-mechanics and in-game lore, suddenly you`ve become his arch-enemy ? I will tell you what happens. They are the types of people who have a million bazillion accounts, and will log on to EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEIR CHARACTERS, and they will all post AGAINST any and ALL notes that you`ve written, a form of disinformation-agent operation to discredit you. Sure, they will make it LOOK like it`s a bunch of people who disagree with you, but it`s ALL from the SAME person, who posts under MULTIPLE different accounts.

    Not only that, this particular MUD which I speak of is one where your character was able to be killed off PERMANENTLY, even after you had spent over a year to level it up and get it developed (and it does NOT help that most-likely at least SEVERAL of their staff-members were cheating to give themselves maximum advantages for their in-game characters). PvP is one thing or another, but when you are FORCED to go PK (i.e.: PvP), constantly being FORCED to watch your back if you bother to even re-materialise in that such realm... then, believe me when I say, this article does in fact hit it DEAD-ON when it references those clique role-players causing so much drama that it would put most, actually, I might even dare to say ALL soap-operas to shame in terms of how much griefing went about over thatparticular entire population.

    Needless to say, I opted to NEVER associate with that MUD again and found a much better one with a MUCH more mature community, and I suggest to everyone who likes their freedom (just as long as you believe in the idea of having fun which does NOT come at the expense of others), then stay CLEAR away from ANY communities which considers itself a role-playing «focused» game/community/what-ever. Each and EVERY single time, UNLESS EVERY single leader within that community believes in fun WITHOUT doing it at the expense of others, you WILL find ass-holes who simply go about insulting or maybe even going so far as to attacking you when you`re a genuine newbie who`s simply trying to ask questions about how to learn the mechanics of the game... just trust me on this one. Only ONE corrupt leader within those communities is enough to GUARANTEE ruination and drama within about a year`s time of your involvement with that group... I have told you my story so don`t come complaining to me later on if you fail to heed my advice and wish that you had listened in the first instance. You have been warned.

  • Xero_ChanceXero_Chance Member Posts: 519

    I remember the RP on virtue server in the game City of Villains was mostly led by de facto leaders, one of which required "sex" to get into their clique (if your char was female, disregarding the player gender).

    Multiple CoV RP groups have/had close ties with american hentai industry circles that leak into other games like Second Life. dmitrys is known to be regularly commissioned by it's players to make naughty artwork.

  • HabistusHabistus Member Posts: 2

    Excuse me for not clarifying in the previous post... some of those delinquents go about causing grief and trouble everywhere all behind the guise of so-called «role-playing» ...I am sorry but role-playing is one thing and being a complete and total jerk is another.

    Yeah, why don`t you go try role-play «rape» that girl without her permission, that was the style of jerk I speak of with my posting. Imagine being forced to have ALL of your most-valuable HARD-earned goods stolen from without your role-play permission. Imagine getting attacked, literally back-stabbed, and left in a cess-pool of blood without your permission, and imagine receiving a barrage of insults from dozens of different characters (all of which belong to the SAME person), simply because he has too much time on his hands and using those two-faced characters to make your otherwise maybe once-friends into enemies of both each other AND you.

    How do you like THAT for hard-core role-playing ? Like I said, role-playing is one activity, and I believe it SHOULD in fact be FUN, but being an ass-hole in the guise of role-playing is what sparks articles like this one.

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