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The PunishMent of ChrisTheHate

This Guy Is Pissed-Off at ChrisTheHate

This Guy is Pissed-off at ChrisTheHate

ChrisTheHates Actions of Attacking an Allies City Banner And Destroying all that Guilds Hard work ..are now making our whole Guild suffer under the Cruel Cannon Fire of Ghost Fleet  and Her Allies, Repeatedly..This cannot continue..Please Help Us we're Under Attack.....


  • wartywarty Member Posts: 461


    Playing polished, lag free, feature complete games is carebear. Whining about a game you hate but still play is hardcore man!

  • DruidofGenoaDruidofGenoa Member Posts: 4

    Yeah Lets Hurt him.. bad, He totally spit in the face of Ghost Fleet, and its Great Former Leader JohnPaulJ.. For that he and all his Alt's will suffer the Great Wrath of Our Cannon Fire Over, and Over, etc..




    Special Hybrid Action

  • AbbababaAbbababa Member Posts: 13

    Ghost Fleet does not deserve a city if they can't defend it themselves. If they are strong enough they can retake it anytime so what's the point? Besides why even bother playing on an empty server?

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